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Rose's POV

I was awake for a while at this point. I was just daydreaming until I heard the door open, I was confused at first since it was still about 3 pm. I sat up and looked over to the door. Emma then walked in and smiled
"Hello," I said and smiled.
"Hey," she said and sat down at the cell door. I stood up and walked over to her and sat down with her.
"your parents outside testing things again?" I ask her. she nods but doesn't say anything so I spoke again. "what do your parents think you are doing?"
"reading, I've tried to read before and I tried earlier but I can't do it," she said

We sat for about 20 minutes having a chat.
"I need to go now, my parents might be coming back in soon and they might see me down here with you," she said while standing up. "I'll come back down later," she says while walking over to the door. I smiled and nodded as she opened the door. I walked back over to the window and just fell into a gaze watching the clouds and the sound of the wind. I didn't realize how long I was watching nature until the sun started to set. I looked behind me and saw a plate with the normal bread and butter on it. I ate it and sat with my back against the wall and fell asleep.

I quickly woke up when I heard the door open, I looked out the window from the other side of the room, it was night now. I look over to the cell door and saw Emma.
"Hey," I said and smiled at her. I went over to the door and sat down where we were sitting before. Emma sat down and didn't say anything. "what's up?" I ask her as I put my arm around her. she cries out in pain a little and I quickly pull my arm away concerned I hurt her.
"what's wrong?" I ask again, she looks at me before answering, she doesn't answer with any words, she just shows me. There was a bruise on her arm and I looked at her concerned.
"what happened?"
"Because I can't read yet my dad hurts me and says he will stop when I can read," she said quietly. I pull her into a hug again but this time being more carefully so I didn't hurt her, she sobs into my shoulder for a bit before pulling away and wiping her eyes.
"what does he do?" I ask her, she looks me in the eye like she doesn't want to answer, but she knew I was going to keep asking her so she answered.
"He just smacks me really hard." I then pull her back into a hug. after about 5 seconds she pulled away and looked at me.
"Here, I got these for you, I thought you would be hungry," she said as she reaches into her pocket grabbing some biscuits and handing them to me.
"Thanks," I smiled and gave her a few biscuits as well.

We sat and ate them for a few minutes and then she turns to me.
"Can you help me read now? I have this book, it's all I was given" I took the book from her and looked back at her.
"It's better than nothing I guess," I said, she smiled at me and I opened the book. She looked at me and then looked down at the book. I pointed for a word and told her what the word was.

30 minutes later we finished the book and Emma could recognise a few simple words now, like "is, a, I"  as I close the book she looks up at me.
"How many words are there to lean?" She asks me. I smile and thought for a second.
"There are many many words to learn, and in different languages as well."
"What kind of languages?" She asks I thought again for a bit.
"There is English, French, Spanish, Polish, German, Irish, Norwegian and many more."
"Does every country have their own language?"
"Some countries speak the same languages. Like Mexicans also speak Spanish, and Canadians speak French, America's speak English." I say, Emma smiles up at me
"That's all confusing," she says and giggles a little. "Are there any more languages?" She looks up and me and says then puts her head on the bars.
"There are many more languages, there is also Swedish, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Greek. There are so many, I would tell you more but I can't think of any more at the moment." I said, Emma, closes her eyes and smiled.
"Hey don't you be going to sleep, someone might find out you are down here," I said with a little laugh. Emma giggles and sits up.

But before she could reply the door opened and we both saw Emma's mum standing there.
"Someone has found out, get to your room now." She said walking in and grabbed Emma by the wrist. "Your father will not be happy when he finds out you're are down here," she shouts at Emma
"No need to tell him, he's probably heard you shouting at her," I mumble to myself.
"What was that?" She glares at me. I stayed quiet refusing to say anything.

I heard someone walking down the stairs and I knew Emma's dad was coming down to see what was going on. He enters the room and came up to the cell door, I sit back a little not knowing what he would do to me. Emma was taken out of the room as he spoke.
"What were you doing with her, getting her to help you escape?" He shouts at me but I refused to say anything, I looked down and looked back up at him. "What were you two doing!" He shouts again.
"Just teaching her how to read, that's all," I say quietly but loud enough so he could hear me.
"She needs to lean herself,"
"That isn't possible, everyone needs help to start off to read," I say. But he doesn't reply, he opened the cell door and stepped in making me sit back more. I looked at his hand and saw he was carrying another one of the injections that put people unconscious, but before I could protest and try and stop him the needle hits my arm and I fell into darkness.

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