How many anime have you seen

46 5 7

( Is this a creative name ^)

I have been tagged by Dophie9797
and thank for tagging me again (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

Here are the rules:
1. You have to post the rules have to say 15 facts about yourself
3.if not done within a week the tagger get to come up with a punishment HAS to be a chapter, but a comment have tag 15 people
6.The chapter has to creative name

1. I have sweet tooth
3. Im second tall in my friends group
4.I don't like dress
5. I love bunny
6. My first anime was black butler
7. My favorite nekoma character is either yaku or fukunaga
8. Im still in my fnaf phase
9. I hate long nail
10. My younger brother thing I'm weird for like anime guy
11. I had to do a dance in 5 grade in front 4 grade and other 5 grade class and with a guy. (and I hate it)
12. I wish that I can visit japan
13. I stay up all night sometimes
14. I have a deku,todoroki and a bakugo pillow.
15. I'm very shy when I meet a new person

Okay that now let go to the question

Okay that now let go to the question

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1. I do have crush on anime guys and real life

2. They don't exist but in real life I'm not sure

3. Idk

4.single best friend


7. 81%

8. I got two girl best friends

9. I don't any best guy friend 🤡

10. I got a lot....

11. So I can read fanfic and write but I got lazy and stop writing



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I got tagged And Some Random Stuff Now TooWhere stories live. Discover now