i got to do a lot of tags 😂

19 3 4

Sorry about the last chapter my wifi got cut off for about two or three days o(╥﹏╥)o
I was tag by this two wonderful people Yui_chan_uwu and Dophie9797 sorr again for the late chapter ╥﹏╥

Sorry about the last chapter my wifi got cut off for about two or three days o(╥﹏╥)o I was tag by this two wonderful people Yui_chan_uwu and Dophie9797 sorr again for the late chapter ╥﹏╥

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1.What your full name?
Well you guys already my name why not..... Kimberly Duarte and not my full name 😂

2.Do you have any hobbies?
I'm not sure

3.What's your favorite song?
Does haikyuu opening count if so than haikyuu opening 4.

4.What your phone's home screen  background.

What your phone's home screen  background

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5.Do you have any bigs dreams?
Umm not really?

6.Did you sleep well last night?

7.How many friends do you have?
I have two friends that I know for about 4 years and it about to be our five, I'm getting to know other people in this app, and I know a few people for school.

8.Do you like math?
Not a lot

9.What your favorite subject?
Sign language is that a subject?

10.Where are you from?
I'm from America in Florida

11.Do you like sports?
Yeah I'm practicing volleyball.

12.Are you healthy?
Ummm idk

13.how much do you cost?

14.Do you have any favorite singers?

15.Do you have siblings?
Yes 4

16.Can you draw?
Um I'm not that good

17.How many lessons do you have on monday.
Um what?

18.Do you have a crush?
Yes, one's that don't exist and one that IRL.

19.Are you single or taken.
Single who want to date me?

20.If you the chance taking home and idol, who would it be.
Um idk might take my friend idol if she want to.

Tags 15 people
Im only going to 10

8. AvLikesDrawing
(I'm sorry I might start spamming you guys because you are the people I know and other to.)

I got tagged And Some Random Stuff Now TooWhere stories live. Discover now