Oya? Oya oya? Oya oya oya?

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I was tag by Dophie9797 and my best friend EmaKen
And before I almost forgot today is Yachi birthday from haikyuu🎉🎂

I was tag by Dophie9797 and my best friend EmaKen And before I almost forgot today is Yachi birthday from haikyuu🎉🎂

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1.Meaning behind your nickname?
People call me fluff because on how fluffy my hair is

2.Favorite book?
In wattpad about this haikyuu and that some of the boys fall for you,
(I forget the the name 😥)

If it in real life I think it would be
jack and anne books
(This bookwere my favorite when I was in 3 grade because on how my teacher read it to the class)

3.What type of books do you read?
My reading list says it all

4.What types of books do you write?
I'm currently writing Haikyuu boyfriend Scenarios

5.Recommend 3 books?
I'm bad at recommend books so .............I don't know

Middle nameI'm not sure but I think this my middle nameOrozco

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Middle name
I'm not sure but I think this my middle name

Fluffy, Fluff, pin pin, Kim,

....."Kevin"...I know this isn't a nickname but my mom confuse me and brother by it and also my brother birthday was yesterday
yay happy late birthday to him

One thing you love about yourself?
Umm..... eyes

Person you look up too.

Question everyone asked?
Is it hard too brush your hair?

Realest Friendship.
For a moment their I thought it said Realest "relationship"
My realest friendship is with EmaKen

Songs you last listen too?
Angel in night core I don't the original creator

The day you were born?
September 11

Where would you like to live.
Japan duh

Zodiac sign

I'm to lazy to tag people😂

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