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I think I was tag by shitty_boy1310 thank you for tagging me ☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*


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1.where do you see yourself in 10 years.
Living with my two best friend and with my brother

2.If you got stuck in a elevator, who would it be.
Either emelin or her sister.

3.words you live by?
A lot.

4.Do you think corona is going to end soon?
I'm not sure?

5.if you won million dollars what would you do.
I will waste 30 thousand on me and my brother and the rest will go to charity and to people who need it.

6.If you were of the world, the first thing you would do.
Help children and poor people.

7.What qualities do you value in relationship whether it's romantic or platonic.
I want a person who
Who see me for me
I think that it

8.A word you overuse?

9.if a doctor told have only one day to live, what will you do?
Spend as much time with my best friends and my little brother

10.Do you believe in aliens and what would you do if they invaded earth?
I don't think I believe but if they invaded earth I will stay in my room.🙂

11.if you had one superpower what would it be and why?
Idk but I asked my brother he wanted teleport so he don't have to walk.

12.World peace or world hunger?
Ummmm I think end world hunger.

13.Deaf or blind?
Im not sure actually, I want to be able to see my two best friends and hear them.

14.Would you rather see the future or the past.
I think the future so I can stop people from killing themselves.

15.Last but not least put a meme here, just to make some one day.
I hope

this makes so day₍⁽˚⑅̆˚⁾₎

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this makes so day₍⁽˚⑅̆˚⁾₎

I will tag 5 people

I got tagged And Some Random Stuff Now TooWhere stories live. Discover now