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I was tagged by this wonderful person Peasant-Kun
Thank you for tagging me (❁´◡'❁)*✲゚*
Sorry for the late results

I was tagged by this wonderful person Peasant-KunThank you for tagging me (❁´◡'❁)*✲゚*Sorry for the late results

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1.Full name
Kimberly Duarte
(But that not I'm full name)

I have a lot but the most common are kim or kim kim

3.Single or taken?
Single squad

4.Do I have a crush.
Sadly they don't exist ╥﹏╥


6.Girl best friend.
gg that her nickname

Best friend
EmaKen they/them

7.Guy best friend.
Wish I had one (╥_╥)

8.last person I text.
I'm not sure what there account right now but they used to be gemi_ni277

9.Last time you cried.
A couples days ago

10.biggest fear.
Either The dark, thunderstorms or spiders

September 11

12.Something you hate.
My brother yelled because he lost in a game.

13. Something you love.

14.Favorite holiday.
Not sure

15.Zodiac sign.
I think a leo♌

I'm to lazy to tag people right now

And here are the pics

And here are the pics

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I got tagged And Some Random Stuff Now TooWhere stories live. Discover now