Tag :p

16 4 4

I was bored out of my mind today so thank you marrymetadashi for tagging me (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)

I was bored out of my mind today so thank you marrymetadashi for tagging me (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)

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1.Hair color

2.eye color

3.Favorite book
When i was younger I would love to read jack and anne the magic tree house,
(I think that how you spell it but I can't remember😗 and I also forgot the author too😔)

4.Favorite color

5.Last song heard
I'm listening to this in repeat but It shy in nightcore

Way to...many

7.Favorite animal
3. Penguins

8.Favorite smell
The smell when it stops rain, fresh laundry and cotton candy

9.Favorite song
Way to many but here one
One day by (I don't know who it was made from)

10.Job/What you want to do when you grow up
Maybe a volleyball player but not sure yet so.....idk

11.Favorite game

12.What would you do with million dollars
Donate half of it and the other for me, my family and my two best friends

Yeah I got a crush on a real guy......but he rejected me.....and why did I still like but not a lot now 😔

14.Anime/ Tv crush
Literally the whole haikyuu character
(Expect yamaguchi and tendou bullies i would like to take their kneecaps 🏌️‍♀️)

15.Favorite food
Dont have one

16.What you got for valentines this year
Got chocolate and candy from my friend 0w0

17.Whoever you think could win a battle easily

18.Are you ZE bus diver?
What???????????? Again

Tag 5 people

Sorry if you did this already your the only 5 people that my brain could think of.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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