It Tag time ((ミ'ω'ミ))

18 2 7

I was tag by wonderful person Dophie9797
Sorry for the late chapter

:*I was tag by wonderful person Dophie9797Sorry for the late chapter(❁´◡'❁)*✲゚*

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1.Do you

1. Did you care about what others think of you.
Yes but not a lot

2.Middle name

3.Favorite sport.

4.Best friends
EmaKen they/them

5.Some you can't live without.
Duh my two best friend and people meant in this app

6.Favorite Name/ Nickname that others call you.
Kim or kim kim

7.Are you more cute or sexy.
Um mm is there trash can.

8.What are your preferred pronouns?

9.Have you ever been asked out?
Never been asked out 😂

10.Do you believe in true love/soulmates.
Umm I don't thing so.

11.What your top three pet peeves?
What does that mean tho? I'm so dumb 😂

12.Do you consider yourself on emotional person?
I'm not sure but if someone start crying I might cry to

13.Word you say often
I'm not sure.

14.A picture of yourself.
This is the only pic of my self

This is the only pic of my self

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15.Your favorite pic of a another person.
I'm not sure if my best friend want me to show this.

16.Favorite hobby.
I'm not sure

17.Role model.
I'm note sure if I have one.

18.Who the best person you personally know.
My best friends

They dont exists

20. Tag 20 people
OK here we gooo I'm only going to 12
(I'm sorry if I'm brother so of you and if you done this before you don't have to this again)

I got tagged And Some Random Stuff Now TooWhere stories live. Discover now