tagsss٩(๛ ˘ ³˘)۶♥

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I was tag by this wonderful person Dophie9797
The for tagging me.

I was tag by this wonderful person Dophie9797The for tagging me

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1.Would you date an 18 year old at the same age you are now?

2.Would you smile at a stranger?

3.What exactly are you wearing right now.
Ummm yellow jeans and yellow with blue flowers shirt

4.How often do you listen to music?
Almost ever single day

5.Are you social or antisocial person?
Between them

6.Do you care if people talk badly about you.
No, not really but if they start talking badly about of my friend I wish I can kick them but my shyness

7.When was the last time you cried?
Isn't obvious july 20 when the haikyuu manga end. I told myself not to cry but I when in tik tok and so some video that made me 😭.

8. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for.

9. Have you wanted someone you couldn't have.
Not sure

10.Do you replay things that have happened in your head.

11.is your life anything like it was two year ago.
Other than my two best friends move and meet people in wattpad.

12.have you ever cried over a boy?
I don't want to admire but I did😅

13.how do you look right now.
Idk all I know is that my hair is always a mess

14.if you could change your eye color, would you change it.
I'm not sure, I have brown eyes

Im going to tag 6 people

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