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by look at the title i think you know what I means, it nothing bad but I have no one to tell this another than my brother who would not listen to me.╥﹏╥

(If you saw that it was publish a couple hours or minutes ago when I accidentally publish with out realized it)

Okay basically a couple days ago, I was talking my friend in lunch with another girl who I didn't, this was the (My best to Remember) conversation
Random girl:" Yeah it so embarrassing especially if the boys were there in gym" (she doesn't have boys in her gym period time)
Me:"It more embarrassing if your crush is in the same gym period as you"
Both of them: " you have a crush"
Me: "yeah"
My friend:" can you tell me who it is"
Random girl:"I probably don't know him but still tell me"
Me:" it Emmanuel"
Both of them try to remember a person who has that name
Both: "yeah no/no I don't know him"
Me:"I show you who it is after lunch" (my crush class is literally right next our class)
We finished lunch and started heading to our class. We waiting for our teacher to unlock the door but I looked at my crush class and I can literally see him
Me:" hey (friend name) you can see my crush"
(I still can't spell her name)
My friend:" oh really"
She try to peck and she pointed to a boy that was near my crush and i said
"Me:"don't point"
By that time the teacher open the door and we got in our class.
3 min before the bell ring we pack up and stay near the door, the bell ring and we head out
My friend:"okay tell me who your crush"
Me:"okay he has curry back hair and he's wearing a black mask"
She spot him and said
My friend:"he kinda cute you have good taste but he will never be has cute (one of the BTS members)"
(I can't remember the name)
Me:" real me with good taste, Ha, I literally like a guy that short than me in fourth grade"
By that point I can't remember but she keep tease me about my crush but today....I really want to die

Today I had confidence on tell my feelings.
But he wasn't here for almost the whole class period (he get to our first class period late but never to late like it almost the end of class)
So my confidence drop but not low, I keep looking at the door for some reason and saw him, I turn my head so fast.
He sat down on his table that like right next to my other friend
(In this period my friend who I was talking in lunch is not here she has a different first period class)
I sometimes see him stare at me and I get a little nervous. This was in my head this morning
"You got to me kidding me, and here i thought you not going to be here meaning that i don't need to confess to you until the end of the year"
(I was planning it last time but Coronavirus)
By that point I think that my face was little red but not sure.
After work (not working) for a couple minutes the bell ring and we packed up.(and also we had a sub today)

It was my second class and and my friend made it late because she has her period in a another building, she came to me and I said
Me:" I might confuss to him today"
She couldn't hear me through the mask so I said never mind
I was doing my work until we had three minutes left since we packed up and she asked me
Her:" what the thing your trying to say it me"
Me:"I said that i might confess to him today"
Her:"you should told confession to him,girl"
We got in our third class, after putting down note it was lunch time
We got our lunch and want to our seats. She tease me a little because my crush sit like in the front row that we can see him
She look at me while make her eyebrows go up and down and I started saying
Me:"I'm not looking at him, I'm looking at the screen"
Her:"sure you are"
I look embarrassing and got the paper that I had with me with my menchinal pencil ✎ i wrote
"Would you like you to date me?"
             🔳No        🔳No

I gave it my friend and said can you read it
(Because I want it make sure he can read it)
She open it up and had a shook face and I told her
Me:"you know that I put two no right"
She look back and said
Her:"Your so mean, so mean"
I laugh because i thought it was funny that she didn't realize it
I told her to have me it and I wrote a little
🔳 maybe in the corner
Me:"there is it fair now"
Her:"your so negative"
Me:"do you think I have confidence in myself and I never once confess to someone before"
And thank she started to get worried that he will mistake it that she is confessing so I told her give me the paper and wrote
And that was it I told her
Me:"give the note at gym"
She nodded her head
We head back to our class and by that time I regret it by giving her the note
After work on I ready we started packing up three minutes before the bell she had her phone out and that had a wallpaper that moves when you put your finger to it
We started walking and she started saying how cute a bts member was and it was like that until we reach two doors we turn the cocner and I said
Me:"his smile is cute"
And I saw my crush on my corner of my eye and told my friend when we got in our class
Me:"did you know my crush was behind us"
Her:"really did I say something that involved him and the note"
Me:"no your to busy fan girl about bts"
In that class I keep begging you to give me the note and she keep saying no
After that class end we start walking to our fifth class
We just rewiew in vocabulary words that was with science for a test that was coming up
We pack up three minutes before the bell and than she realize that she can just give it my crush friend who was next to the door she said
Me:"no don't do it"
My crush friend:"what"
I keep trying to get the paper from her but the bell ring and you know what amazing, MY CRUSH CLASS WAS RIGHT TO OUR CLASS AGAIN AND SHE COULD HAVE GAVE IT TO HIM BUT I KEEP HOLDING ON HER ARM.
I started panicking and said "don't do it"
Than my male friend pop up that i don't say for a couple of weeks from the last time I saw him
Him:"why do you walk so fast"
Me:"where were you this days"
Him:"bye I see my friend"
He know follow me for a couple of minutes than walk with his other friend who goes to the same class room I think

It was now our last period mean gym and we had Capture the flag.
We wait for our coach (we have two one female and other male but today the female was absent)
to mark everyone there. By this point she was worried Saiding "what if he mistake me as confession"
Me:"it never to late to give to me and that I can throw it in the trash"
But she still hold on to it
Are coach said to get up and go outside, we were close to the door and that when she had the paper, i got it and hold it tight, she kept trying to get it back.
We were in opposite team so she
(with my crush on her team) couldn't get it back and it was in my jacket pocket.
After a couple minutes I forgot that i had the paper in my jacket so I put jacket near the jail cell when the we get the opposite team player.
She could have got it but she also forgot. (Good for me)
When we got in the gym again i told her and she said
Her:"he could have just...*sign*"
He=my crush
I gave her the note back and said to give him the note when i leave.
She rip it and said
Her:"I'm going to tell him by words...wait no i can just tell Abraham (who another friend of my crush and she and abraham ride the same bus)
She my bus got called I looked at her and nodded my head no

I'm either going to die tomorrow in the middle of school or Abraham is going to forgot to tell him.

I don't think that abraham had my crush phone number but if he does will sh*t because me and my crush have first period together but if he doesn't he has to tell he going to tell him in their class they have together and that mean i, that i don't die because tomorrow I only have one class with him and I only see him at lunch (°∀°)b

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