01 // Haunted Castle..

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I am in the bus. Heading to somewhere for our field trip. It is an 5 hours drive, cause it's far from the city. The events gonna happen later interests me, that's why i am excited.

I am sitting in the window side, listening to music. No one is sitting beside me, but my bag. There are other busses behind us, which is different classes each.

I don't really have that much friends, but it doesn't bother me as i am getting used to it.


We've been on the bus for 2 hours now. Every students here was sleeping, but I wasn't.

I noticed that the bus was getting slower and slower.. are we close? Not only our bus, but the others behind us too.

Then, i got startled by the bus, it stops.

The students slowly woke up and started to panic. Our homeroom teacher gets up and calmed the students down.

"Class! Class! I need you all to calm down, okay? I am calling for help now" -Teacher

To be honest, i don't feel good about this. I mean, look at where we are now. In the middle of nowhere.

The class wasn't calming down, the teachers advice didn't make it easier

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The class wasn't calming down, the teachers advice didn't make it easier. I looked behind us, the other busses were stranded as well.

In conclusion, we're in the middle of nowhere.

The teachers in each bus got down and called for help, which is sort of impossible because of the signal. The girl behind me starts crying.

Aish, can't they first calm down?!

Then The homeroom teacher went back inside. The students were asking them way to many questions.

"Class, please calm down. The bus just ran out of gas. I already called some-" -Teacher

Just then, a woman maybe in her early 30's went inside. She whispered something in our teacher's ear.

Who is she? I haven't seen her before. Probably from the other bus?

Our homeroom teacher looked kinda dazed at what she whispered.

"Ok, Jin, Lisa and Jemi. Please go down, the teacher would like to have a word with you" -Teacher

What? Me? In this situation?

I sigh and got up and went to the ??? Teacher along with my 2 other classmates. As we 3 went down, following the teacher.. I saw 9 more students heading to us.

What the..

They were from the other busses. 3 students in each busses.

Who the hell Call students in the middle of nowhere? Are we supposed to help or something?

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