04 // Flashbacks (2/2)

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---•Jennie's flashback•---

~The Leather Belt~

Little Jennie and her mom was just sitting at the couch. When suddenly the door bursts open.

It was her drunken dad.

When she saw him, her eyes turned dark. She was completely afraid of him at the same time.. Angry. Jennie's mom quickly went to help her husband while Little Jennie was just standing there, frightened.

She was scared.

She saw how her abusive dad pushed her own mom. Her eyes got wider. Her weakness is her mom, to the point where she can't control her anger and she will pour her anger to the person.

And that's what she did.

She went to her dad and pushed him, since she was still a kid and weak, her dad didn't stumble back although, he's drunk.

"Get away from my mom, you monster!!" -Little Jennie

"N-no.. Jennie-ah.." -Jennie's mom

That's when Little Jennie realized what she just did and looked at her father, meeting his dark and death glare starting at her.

His dad scoffs. "You think you're stronger now Little girl?"

He said in a drunken form, Little Jennie back away but her dad held her wrist tightly that out made her groan in pain and made a big mark on her wrist.

Her dad pulled Out something that made her doze off and stared at that thing feeling scared. She started breathing heavily as the anxiety got the best of her.

The Leather Belt...

It was her worse nightmare. It was the usual thing where she gets bruises from. She was so afraid of them, her dad would always use that thing to punish her.

Tears uncontrollably starts to fall from her eyes as she started breathing heavily. She was slowly losing her consciousness. But before she could collapse, her dad already hit her at her back then she blacked out.

Later that day she found out that her dad was put in the jail for abuse case.

---•Jisoo's flashback•---

~The Silver Necklace~

Jisoo's mom was rushed to the hospital. Jisoo's mom was only her parent. She was very worried at her mom because lately, her mom was tiring herself because of too much work.

The doctor came in as Little Jisoo was holding her mom's hand while her mom was reassuring her that she's okay when she's not. Little Jisoo was in tears, seeing her own mom in this condition worries her.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. You have been diagnosed with cancer. Last stage" -The Doctor

Little Jisoo started shaking, as a kid.. She was mature enough to know what that means. When the doctor left, Jisoo's mom gave her something.

"Jisoo-ah, take this necklace.. P-please think of it as me. Look at that when you miss me" -Jisoo's mom

Jisoo's mom gave her a silver necklace that was From her mom. Little Jisoo Shaked her head.

"No mom.. you are gonna survive right?!" -Little Jisoo

Little Jisoo was shedding into tears looking at the silver necklace that her mom gave it to her. But at the end.. Little Jisoo was left alone, her mom died at the end. Little Jisoo threw the necklace, not in a bad way. But because she doesn't wanna suffer further.

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