02 // Dares..

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Jennie and the others looked at me gasping and shocked. Totally not expected from a girl. Well, the boys more likely are stopping me.

Nuh-uh, i'm not backing up.

Jennie looked like she was about to cry.

"Jennie, it's okay.." -Jemi

I took the cutter that was from out of nowhere and placed it in her hands, while i positioned myself.. ready to lend my wrist for this stupid game. I smiled at her, reassuring her that it's fine.

She ready herself and..


My wrist continued to bleed as i was hissing in pain. The others looked at me worridly.

"It's okay guys. I'm fine" -Jemi

The door suddenly burst open, making a loud sound. It shows no one. But it's demanding us to go out now.



"I'm never gonna enter one of the rooms again" -Jemi

The others agreed making a 'yea' and nodded. It was getting darker now.

"Guys, where are we supposed to sleep?" -Jisoo

None of us knew tho. then suddenly.. we got teleported..

[just imagine there's 12 seats]

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[just imagine there's 12 seats]

"What the- how the hell did we teleport here?!" -Namjoon

It instructed us to sit, so we did. There was 3 plates in front of us. Nah-man, i'm not eating that if it's food. There was a note, Seokjin took it and read it loudly.

"Dear players. Welcome to another gamne" -Seokjin

"And i thought only the rooms has those games" -Lisa

Yeah, true..

"There are 3 plates, 2 are normal food and one is not. Pick whatever food and whatever did you pick, you have to eat what's inside. Eww, what if one of us gets to eat gross stuff?" -Seokjin

Yeah, that's most likely true. He made a disgusting face and so did we.

"Now, we have to choose" -Jemi

Me, Rosé, Namjoon and Jungkook chose 1st plate. While Jennie, Jimin, Hoseok and Jisoo chose 2nd plate. Then lastly Lisa, Taehyung, Yoongi and Seokjin chose 3rd.

"Open it in 3.. 2... 1..." -Jemi

I sigh in relief, it's just grapes.. i looked up to the others..


Everyone, well not all.. They turned to me with the confused expression. I know i should be scared than laughing, sorry i can't really help it. HAHAHA. I pointed at Jennie's face, still laughing.. well.. almost crying

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