07 // The REAL Game?!

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You and the girls now heard their story. It happened after they got over with the incident happened in childhood. You started tearing up, feeling so much doubt. The girls noticed it and quickly asked you.

"J-Jemi.. are you okay? Why are you crying?" -Jisoo

All of them looked at you with concern and confusion. But you were looking at 'HIM' with teary ayes and with a cold face. With that cold face and glassy eyes, your eyes tells you otherwise.. your eyes shows sadness.

You completely ignored Jisoo's question and kept looking at him.

"You.. You were 'him' the whole time.. Why didn't you speak up.. 𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠..." -Jemi

Everyone's eyes widen and some of them gasped in shock, even Jungkook. Tears started to fall one by one.. you didn't know how to react anymore but to cry.

"Jemi.. are you for real..?" -Yoongi

You swallowed a lump of saliva and your eyes twitched because of the tears.

"Jemi, d-don't tell m-me.." -Jungkook

"It's me. I... I need to be alone now.." -Jemi

You exited the room and they all looked at each other, flustered.

"She... i knew she looked somehow familiar at first... but, how.." -Jungkook

He started to tear up too, Jin was slowly patting his back for comfort. You were the girl, he was talking about at the hospital. 4 years ago. Yes, it was you who tried to do suicide at the orphanage because of 'You-Know-What'.


You were on the entrance, sitting in the corner, crying silently. You were feeling missed, sad and joy. You were feeling joy that he's back but you felt sad knowing he was that boy the whole time...

"𝙄 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪.." -Jemi

You buried your head to your knees and passed out, sitting there.


Minutes have passed and all of them except Jemi was sitting together, still shocked. But, Jennie wasn't there as she tried to find you and talk things out.

Jungkook was looking lifeless sitting there and looking down. He was too shocked knowing that the girl he liked 4 years ago was there before his eyes without even knowing it's HER.

They were silent until Namjoon spoke.

"JK, how come you didn't recognize Jemi?" -Namjoon

"she looked more... different than before hyung, we were still young" -Jungkook

"And you didn't even knew her name?" -Namjoon

"We never exchanged names. That's because I wouldn't tell her" -Jungkook

"I-" -Namjoon

Suddenly someone bursts inside revealing Jennie with a sweaty form.

"G-Guys.. i c-can't find Jemi.." -Jennie

Jennie tried to catch her breath while the others stood up with wide eyes. Before Jennie could say somethin, Jungkook quickly dashed out.

"Did you checked everywhere, Jennie?!" -Jimin

Jennie nods, unable to speak. They all ran out of the living room.


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