text text blood (SELF HARM)

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I waited for 15 minutes before I decided to text him
I've been waiting for nearly 20 minutes now...where are you? This is quite important, something i haven't told anyone,but I'm trusting you because well you have no one to tell.Yet you have left me standing here looking like an idiot...thanks alot.Avoid me tommorow.

I sent it and waited 5 more minutes before leaving.It didn't take long for me to get back home.I received a text 20 minutes later
I'm sorry.I had fell asleep ...I'm sorry.Are you still at the park gates? Please answer.I'm sorry Dan...If this is important then meet me somewhere now,just not any where near downtown. I'm sorry.

I thought about it before texting him back
Lazy. Meet outside the school in an hourThen you can take me to yours.Erm ring me once you get there :)

I grabbed a bag and shoved in some English books.I didn't bother telling Dad where I was going,he'd only shout at me or follow me.He was always horrible when he was drunk.Violent.Scary.A different man to when he was sober...he wasn't sober much.My mom died in a car crash when I was 9....Dad was driving the car, when he is drunk he can't remember what happened.He says its his way of healing himself.Until he gets liver problems.

I rushed out of the house.

Alot was happening today because of Phil.Phil was quiet, shy.He seemed nice and trustworthy.

I was such a twat...I sat down on a nearby bench and rummaged through my backpack.I texted Phil.
I might be late but wait for me

Finally I found a little black bag at the bottom of my backpack.I looked around.The street was empty except a ginger cat walking on a fence. I put my hand into the bag and pulled out a cold,small blade.I took a deep breath.I pulled up my right sleeve.I put the blade against my arm and pulled quickly.It wasn't a big cut compared to the others.I grabbed a tissue from my backpack and pressed it against the cut.I put the bag back into my backpack.I swung the backpack back over my shoulder and walked quickly towards the school. A small replase,  but it was still a fuck up.

I'm sorry.

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