idk what to call this chapter

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Phils POV

Last night i had gotten a lovely sleep.Most nights i didnt fall asleep until 3am but last night i got a lot of aleep.A nice sleep.I was happy for once when i woke up.Until i checked my phone.

'Phil I think I'm gay..' A text from Dan said.I froze as worry and confusion raced through my body.I lay down,not knowing what to do.Why was he telling me this? Why does he think he is gay? Does he like a boy? Loads of questions buzzed around in my head,like a family of bees were living in my brain.I sighed and put my hand in my hair.I sat up.Did he know I was gay? Is this...jealousy?

I grabbed my phone and went to text him but instead decided to ring him.Wait..should I ring him? Fuck fuck fuck.It was too late now.Its ringing.He picked up.

"Hey,Phil it's really early" Dan groaned down the phone.Holy fuck...

"Its not that early Dan,erm Dan?" I asked him,trying not to stammer/stutter.The line was quiet for a minute.Like he was thinking.

"Yes Phil?" He said quietly,like he was falling asleep.Cute but I needed his full attention."Phil i-im so tired" he muttered.I sighed."Go to sleep.You can explain later" I said trying to talk as softly as I could without being silent."Phil? Explain what later?" He sounded more a alert."Last night..well early this morning, sent me a text" I said slowly,scared about his reaction.He sighed loudly

Dans POV


"Oh fuck" I said annoyed with myself."I'm sorry" I said again."Dan?" I heard Phil practically whipser.I looked up then realized he couldn't see me."Yeah Phil?" I said then heard phil took a quick deep breath "Yousaidthatyouweregayandidontknowhowyouknowbutwellimgaytooandi-" "Phil I can't understand you,speak slower.Calm down" I said confused.I sighed and heard him breathe loudly "Fudge this is embarrassing. You said that you were gay and i-I don't know how you know and I don't know why you told me.And well...well I'm gay too and I don't think you know but..yeah I don't know" he said. I smiled."You busy today Philly?" "No.Why?" "Meet me outside the school in an hour,I have so much to tell you" I smirked and stood up,already knowing his answer "okay,see you then,erm bye?" He said hanging up.I didn't like hanging up,So it was a relief when he did.I looked through my clothes and choose a black skinny pair of jeans and a Blink-182 top.

Today was going to be good.I could feel it.

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