Chapter 4: Sharing the Same Bed and Pillow

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After Xia Qian'an led the two women back to Green Bamboo Courtyard, he stopped caring about them and locked himself in his small study for half a day. After all, it was just like the madam to give the seventh Young Master women. Regardless of the seventh Young Master's reaction, Chunyu and them had to arrange accommodation for the two.

Qiu Shui led them to a room far away from the Young Master's bedroom. Qiu Shui turned her eyes when walking in front of them. She didn't care what strengths these two had, if the Young Master disliked them, his people would as well.

Don't think you can get into the eyes of the Young Master. How can the Young Master, who has a light temperament, let you get close.

Qiu Shui wouldn't admit that she was jealous. Every time they served the Young Master, they had to serve the Young Master a few steps away. So how could the Young Master let these two strangers climb his bed?

"These two rooms are for each of you. If you don't have an order from the seventh Young Master, don't show yourself in front of the seventh Young Master. The seventh Young Master hates contact with others, even me." Qiu Shui turned her head, looked at them expressionlessly, said this and left.

Ruo Yi and Ruo Qing looked at each other, but they didn't care. They had to finish the task their madam gave to them. How could they be obedient to another?

Small Study Room

Xia Qian'an fell asleep holding An Jiu. An Jiu picked up his master carefully and put him on the soft couch in the small study. Xia Qian'an unconsciously grabbed An Jiu's sleeve. His eyebrows were slightly wrinkled and his eyes were red and swollen.

For the convenience of his master, An Jiu knelt beside the soft couch on one knee. From just now, An Jiu really understood his master's heart. The more he understood... the more Xia Qian'an seemed to occupy his heart.

Only at this time, could An Jiu look at his master without any scruples, could put down his camouflage and uncover his ugly side. "Master..."

If one didn't pay attention to his low voice, it would be ignored. However, there were some scruples, depression and restraint in his voice, which couldn't be ignored or unheard.

An Jiu gazed at his sleeping master, eyes full of dark emotions.

When Xia Qian'an woke up, it was late. Xia Qian'an didn't eat at noon, and cried for half an afternoon. After sleeping, he was hungry.

"Hungry..." Xia Qian'an sat up from the soft couch and complained that he was awakened by hunger. "Ah... An Jiu, please take some snacks to my room and I'll take a bath."

Xia Qian'an got up slowly and dared not look at him. He had cried in front of An Jiu. It was embarrassing...

"Master, you didn't have anything to eat at noon. Would you like to have dinner first?"

"I'd better take a bath before eating. You can bring me some snacks to cushion my stomach..." Thinking that An Jiu might not have eaten either, Xia Qian'an added, "Well, bring more."

"Yes, master." An Jiu respectfully answered, then left.

Xia Qian'an was soaking in hot water, and his frown loosened. He closed his eyes, leaned back against the tub and sank down. The hot water soaked up to his shoulders.

Ruo Yi opened the door and gently walked to the screen. Ruo Yi only wore a thin layer of light gauze, her pink belly and white skin were indistinct, and the purple shadow on her face added more beauty. Ruo Yi was a few steps away from Xia Qian'an, she stopped and gave a soft cry, "Seventh Young Master."

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