Chapter 7: Death, Jumping Off the Cliff

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Before his master woke up, An Jiu sneaked into the city to inquire about the news, but he didn't expect that soldiers were searching all over and the wanted notices of his master were posted everywhere.

An Jiu didn't stay. He bought some food and left quietly. Unexpectedly, it was not safe to escape from the imperial city. Even the city was blocked. Fortunately, he didn't bring his master to the city yesterday, or it would have been hard to escape.

When An Jiu returned to the cave, Xia Qian'an did not wake up. An Jiu sat next to his master and waited.

After a long time, Xia Qian'an finally got up. They ate something to fill their stomachs. Then, An Jiu told his master what he had just seen. "Master, let's get out of here."

"Mn, how about going to live in the country? Where no one knows who we are?"

It was his and An Jiu's life. Xia Qian'an thought to himself that he really hated the place where there were many people.

"I'll listen to master... Master, someone is coming." An Jiu's eyes suddenly become cold. He was too careless, and unexpectedly let them follow him. An Jiu had no time to explain to his master, so he quickly picked him up and ran in the opposite direction to leave.

An Jiu hadn't run for a few minutes when some soldiers in iron armor went into the cave. They looked around the cave first, and found the burnt wood ash in one corner. There was a pile of dry grass nearby. It seemed that someone had stayed in here last night.

"Take people to search. The soldiers will divide into several routes. They should not have escaped that far yet."

An Jiu, in order to save time, left quickly with his master in his arms, but they still couldn't escape. An Jiu stood in front of his master, holding a sword in hand, body tight, mouth pursed into a straight line, eyes full of murderous intentions as he glared at the shadow guards.

He thought that there would be no chance to draw a sword again for his master. Those shadow guards didn't give An Jiu extra time to think. Their bodies moved towards An Jiu. They attacked fast. Xia Qian'an couldn't see clearly. In fact, An Jiu's martial arts were better than the other shadow guards. It was not a problem to kill these people. At worst, he would just be hurt.

But now An Jiu needed to keep watch over his master and couldn't do his best. In addition, An Jiu was now facing a group of shadow guards who were good at assassinating, so it was inevitable for him to suffer some injuries. Fortunately, those shadow guards didn't do anything to Xia Qian'an. They wanted to catch him alive rather than kill him. This was good news for An Jiu. It was the best for his master to be okay. Now what he had to do was not let them near his master and kill them at the same time.

Xia Qian'an's face was extremely pale, and the smell of vomit and blood was stuck in his nose. Although his eyes were full of fear, his face was calm.

He couldn't panic now. He couldn't make any more trouble for An Jiu. Xia Qian'an smelled blood for the first time, felt the fear of killing Qi for the first time, saw the scene of death for the first time, and watched someone die in front of him.

He was so close to death, but he didn't give himself time to scream and vent. What he needed now was to be calm. Xia Qian'an hated death and hated killing, but if it was for An Jiu, he would rather want An Jiu to kill others than be hurt by others. His important people were more important than others. Xia Qian'an was selfish. An Jiu was the only one in his heart. If he doesn't want An Jiu to die, it could only be someone else's death.

An Jiu killed half of the shadow guards, he also suffered some injuries, and some were very heavy, but this was enough to show how strong An Jiu's strength was. As a matter of fact, the shadow guards with such strength would not be allocated to cowardly bastards like Xia Qian'an. The rest of the shadow guards thought this in their hearts.

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