Chapter 6: Get Out of the Way

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Xia Qian'an's consciousness was dim, and he had not yet woken up. He subconsciously moved his hand to the side and did not touch anything. After a few seconds, he returned to his consciousness and opened his eyes abruptly.

"An Jiu?" Xia Qian'an said in a soft voice, with some caution and uncertainty in his tone, and his voice trembled.

"Master, are you awake?" An Jiu appeared at the bedside after his master's voice called out.

"...Mn, awake." Xia Qian'an replied, relieved. Fortunately, it was not a dream.

After getting up and washing, An Jiu helped his master to tie up his hair. Xia Qian'an was not used to being close to others. After learning how to dress, he didn't need a maid to wait on him to dress. He could only do simple things with his hair. The fancier things were left to An Jiu.

After breakfast, Xia Qian'an went back to the small study to read. He didn't read any books in the study, and instead read the several music scores.

Xia Qian'an was studying the new music scores from morning to night. He had played modern ancient music before, or he wrote it himself. Now he had the opportunity to learn the ancient music with great ancient charm. He would not let it go.

Although he didn't know why he was forbidden from entering the palace, he also knew that he was not in danger for the time being. He just hoped he could leave here quickly. After all, the palace was a dangerous place. However, Xia Qian'an spent half a year in the Imperial Palace, during which, the Prince came several times to listen to him play the guqin.

At the first sight of the Prince, Xia Qian'an knew that the man he saw in the little bamboo forest half a year ago was the prince. Xia Qian'an didn't feel much about him, but he felt that every time the prince looked at him, his eyes made him uncomfortable and he felt that he was being stared at.

Xia Qian'an had been studying for half a year, and had mastered five or six songs, which were all classic songs. When chatting, he read some medical books to kill time. Now Xia Qian'an knew most of the herbs and had mastered some prescriptions. He would have no problems treating injuries and helping with detoxification, which was also a harvest from coming to ancient times.

"Master, the palace has been occupied. This subordinate will take you out of the palace." An Jiu suddenly appeared in the small study, Xia Qian'an was shocked by the news.

"Are you hurt?"

Xia Qian'an smelled a bloody scent coming from An Jiu's body, stood up and went to him in an instant. He frowned tightly, and his eyes were full of impatience and affection.

"This subordinate was fighting with people when they arrived here. They are the shadow guards who monitor master. Master, before they react, we have to go quickly." An Jiu said so many words for the first time, with a dignified look, which showed that the problem was a little tricky.

"Okay, let's go now." Xia Qian'an nodded.

"Yes, master."

After that, An Jiu picked up his master in a princess carry and ran away from the study. Xia Qian'an put his hands around An Jiu's neck to reduce the force on his arm, and buried his head in the other's chest to prevent the wind from blowing into his eyes.

Xia Qian'an couldn't see, only heard the wind whirring in his ear, and could feel how fast An Jiu was running. An Jiu chose a remote part of the palace to escape. When he had not been sent back to his master by the prince, he secretly heard that Prince Jing was going to seek power and usurp the throne.

After returning to his master, he secretly searched for the best way to escape from the palace, prepared early, and took his master away from the palace at the same time Prince Jing usurped the throne.

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