Chapter 8: Return, Modern

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Xia Qian'an opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. His heart felt as if it was still pierced and his expression of despair could not be dispelled. Under him was the familiar and strange mattress springs.

He was back? Was all that had happened a dream?

No, it couldn't be. The fear of his torn heart told him it wasn't a dream. Why was he back? Wasn't it good to die? Anyway, he would no longer exist in the other world. Xia Qian'an lay motionless in bed with his eyes open, like a delicate adult Barbie without life.

"Young Master, there is a man with long hair and black clothes covered in blood in the garden. Do you want to call the police?" The door was knocked on, and the sound of the nanny's anxiety and fear rang out.

The nanny knew that the Young Master had got up at this time. Although she didn't know how the man from the garden came to be there, he was within the grounds of the Young Master's house after all so it was only right of her to inform him. The nanny thought that the Young Master would not pay attention to it, and then call the police and make an emergency call, but she didn't expect that the Young Master would make a sound. She didn't know if it was her illusion, but she felt that the tone from the Young Master was a little uneasy and expectant.

Well, she should have heard it wrong. The Young Master's expression and mood were monotonous all the time. There was no expression and mood.

When Xia Qian'an heard the nanny's words, a thought flashed through his mind that the man was An Jiu, which made his heart beat very fast. Xia Qian'an immediately stopped the nanny. If it was An Jiu, he couldn't call the police or go to the hospital. Otherwise, An Jiu's identity would be suspected. Now he had to confirm if it was him first.

Xia Qian'an got out of bed and put on shoes. He left the bedroom without brushing his teeth and washing his face. He was familiar with everything in front of him, but he didn't have time to think about it. He trotted downstairs. The nanny told him several times "slow down, don't fall," but he didn't hear it.

Because there were many injuries and blood on the man's body, the nanny did not dare to move him, so the position of the man in black lying on the ground now was the same as when the nanny found him. When Xia Qian'an saw the man lying on the garden floor, his eyes turned red. It was not a dream, not a dream. The man was An Jiu. Even if Xia Qian'an didn't see his face, with just his back, he could recognize it immediately.

All the anxieties and fears in Xia Qian'an's heart disappeared when he saw An Jiu. When Xia Qian'an saw that An Jiu was lying unconscious on the ground, he had a moment of suffocation and could not breathe. Xia Qian'an took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He ran over and asked the nanny to help him bring the person into the house.

Xia Qian'an constantly hoped in his heart that An Jiu would be okay. He was so powerful and modern medicine was very good.

"Mrs. Li, bring me a basin of hot water, and then go to my room to find me...loose pajamas."

"Ah? Oh, okay Young Master." The nanny hurriedly went out to prepare things. Xia Qian'an went to the cabinet in the living room to take the medicine box.

When everything was ready, Xia Qian'an asked the nanny to go out. After locking the door, Xia Qian'an carefully took off the black clothes on An Jiu. In some places, the clothes were stuck to the wound. When taking off the clothing, the wounds bled again.

Xia Qian'an tried to make his hands tremble less, and tried to force his tears back. He couldn't panic. He couldn't make An Jiu hurt more. After taking off his clothes, Xia Qian'an wiped the blood off his body and took out medical alcohol from the first aid kit to disinfect the wounds.

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