chapter 17

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Soon school ended, strangely Kane didn't bother you today. You were finishing up practice and you were putting things away and mostly everyone was gone except for Iwaizumi, Oikawa and you. 

"Are you walking home with us?" Iwaizumi asked halfway out the door. 

Oikawa spun the volleyball in his hands, "I think I'll stay and practice some more." 

Iwaizumi nodded, "If you stay up to practice to late I'll beat you up in the morning, gotcha?" 

You shivered, at times like this Iwaizumi scared you, "Iwa-chan! You're so mean!" 

"Is that a yes?" 

"Yes." You giggled, you loved their interactions. You remembered you should probably stay, you could help Oikawa practice and it would be good to get some notes on him. 

"I think I'll stay to." 

"You sure?" 

"Yup." You suddenly remembered Iwaizumi would be walking home alone, "Iwaizumi-senpai!" You yelled trying to get his attention as he walked away, "Text or call me when you get home so I know you get home safe." 

Iwaizumi nodded and you went your separate ways. You walked back into the gym, "Do you need help practicing?" 

"Actually, ya I do." You nodded, "Can you throw some balls to me so I can set them?" 

"Okay." You threw the balls to him and he set them back because you didn't know how to set them back to him you just caught them and threw them back to him.  You were getting pretty tired but you tried to ignore it. Your phone started ringing, maybe it was Iwaizumi. The volleyball hit you in the face because you didn't have time to catch it, "Owe." You rubbed your nose. 

"Ah, are you okay, y/n?" 

"Uh ya one second," You picked up the phone, it was Iwaizumi. You asked him if he got home okay etc. 

"You sound different." he pointed out blandly. 

"Do I? Oikawa just hit me with a volleyball-" You looked at Oikawa as he gestured wildly not to continue but you did, "a few seconds ago." 

"He did what?" Iwaizumi said angrily. 

"I-it was just an accident!"

"If you say so...Goodnight y/n" 

"Goodnight." You hung up, you took your hand away from your nose was that blood? "I'm bleeding!" You screeched. 

"It's just a bloody nose, calm down." 

"You're not the one with a bloody nose." You internally panicked as he gave you tissues and told you to tilt your head back. You thanked him before speaking again, "Iwaizumi's scary when he's mad." 

"You think he's scary all the time." 

"Tch, not true." 

"Are you sure about that?" 

You flinched, you thought about it. Did you think Iwazumi was scary? Wait- Wait a minute! He was not going to make you think about this, "Yes!" 

"Yes, you're sure or yes, you're scared of Iwaizumi." 

"Shouldn't you be practicing or something?" 

Oikawa laughed, "Yeesh, okay. I was just making sure you were okay." 

"I know, and thank you. That was nice of you."

 Oikawa went to go practice his serves. You watched him back up, spin the ball and throw it up the air. You watched as he jumped and served the ball over the net in an amazing demonstration of power. Oikawa's serves never ceased to amaze you, he kept serving, he was running out of volleyballs. You watched as he pulled the last ball out of the cart, "Want to serve this one?" 

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