Chapter 12

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Authors Note

This chapter is a continuation from chapter 11 so it may contain talk about abuse.

Zeke POV

I haven't slept a wink, I am downstairs sitting in the arm chair watching my mum sleep and Cole is in the other arm chair.

Bailey let Faye sleep in her room and Bailey said she will stay with her in case her back wounds get infected or anything.

I can feel myself starting to drop off to sleep when I hear a scream come from upstairs.

I run to Bailey room and enter and see Faye having a nightmare and Bailey is holding her and actually manages to calm her down.

I sit at the end of the bed and see Faye slowly open her eyes, it takes her eyes a few minutes to adjust to the light and when she sees its me in front of her she smiles slightly but then she must realise arms are around her and she pushes Bailey hard and unfortunately Bailey falls out of the bed and hits her head on the bedside table.

After Faye pushed Bailey away she jumped out of the bed and ran to the corner of the room and sunk to the floor in a ball. I go to help Bailey up but she stops me and tells me to go to Faye because she needs me more. That's what I really like about Bailey, she is absolutely selfless and cares about others before herself.

Cole, Tucker and Blade must of heard the thud noise of Bailey falling because they come running in and making Faye jump out of her skin and scream leave me alone.

I run over to her and pull her into a hug and she starts hitting my chest with her hands screaming leave me alone and stop.

It makes my heart break for her.

Zeke – Hey Faye it's me Zeke! Hey look at me!

I grab her face in my hands and make her look at me and once she sees it's me she starts to calm down and just crying.

I hold her until she stops and she looks at me and I can tell she is confused.

Faye – Why am I here? How did I get here?

Zeke – Mum brought you here. Do you remember what happened last night?

I feel her shake once I ask that question and she starts panicking again.

Zeke – Hey it's okay! He can't hurt you anymore!

Faye – Daddy, he he...

Zeke – I know sweetie, I know! Mum told me.

Faye – Mum saw?

Zeke – Yes.

Faye – I remember everything but mum being there.

Zeke – She heard you crying and came to check on you and saw what happened, you must of passed out just before she entered the room.

Faye – Where is he? Is he going to get me?

Zeke – NO!

I raised my voice and it made her jump. Crap!

Zeke – Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I won't let him anywhere near you or mum ever again!

Faye – Thank you.

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