Chapter 33

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Bailey POV

Jace – So you're...

It feels like time is standing still and I'm waiting and then I hear the words...

Jace – Your pregnant.

I suck in a big breath and blow out.

Bailey – Okay.

I don't take in much information after that, Jace hands me prescriptions for parental tablets and said to book an appointment for a scan. I made an appointment for tomorrow as they had a cancellation and I head to the pharmacy and get my tablets and then head to the shopping centre.

Driving there I don't remember much, I was so zoned out, I obviously was paying attention to the road but my mind just wasn't there. I park in the parking lot and I see everyone waiting outside, I quickly hide the medication and grab my bag and phone.

I notice I have 3 miss calls from Zeke, so I drop him a text saying where I am and that I was driving and I will see him later. I walk up to the girls and plaster a smile on my face, I just hope they won't see through it.

Bailey – Hey girls.

Ella – Hey honey.

Tiffany – Hey.

Kim – Hi.

Dolly – Hello sweetheart

Heather – Hello.

I see my grandma look at me, she has always been good at knowing something is wrong.

Bailey – Right shall we go wedding dress hunting?

They all say yes and we walk off, I stay back a bit and my grandma steps back.

Dolly – What's wrong and before you say nothing I can tell when your lying.

I let out a breath and stop and look at her, the rest turn and I look at them and smile and they carry on, I think they understood I wanted to talk to my grandma alone.

Bailey - I'm pregnant (bursting into tears).

She pulls me into a hug.

Dolly – Sweetheart that's great news.

Bailey – Is it?

Dolly – Why wouldn't it be?

Bailey – Josh is only 9 months, it's to soon to have another baby, how will me and Zeke cope? What if Josh doesn't like having a brother or sister and starts acting out or what is Zeke resents me for getting pregnant so quickly again.

Dolly – Sweetheart listen to me okay, clearly this little nugget was destined to be here otherwise he or she wouldn't be here. It doesn't matter how old Josh is he could be 5 and he could easily acted up then but I'm sure he won't but if he does that's what discipline is about and lastly why would Zeke resent you? He loves you and that little boy and I'm more than certain he will be over the moon for another baby.

Bailey – I know your right I'm just scared of the what ifs.

Dolly – And that's what they are what ifs and the only way to know is talk to him and it's perfectly normal to be scared.

Bailey – But I already have Josh so why am I scared this time and I wasn't with Josh?

Dolly – Because it's normal to be scared and worry if you can cope with 2 children or afford 2 children and like you said your worried Josh will not like being the centre of your attention as you will have to juggle it between them equally, it's perfectly normal sweetheart.

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