Chapter 34

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Bailey POV

We all head inside and Emerald comes running up to me.

Emerald – Auntie Bay! Where's nana Kim.

She has started calling Kim nana, at first my dad was a bit upset about it because he felt it should be our mum but me and Blade made him realise that Emerald knows mum and mum will always be her first nana.

Bailey – Nana Kim is having the baby.

Emerald – So daddy and your sister or brother is on the way?

Bailey – Yes monkey.

Emerald – Are we going to the hospital?

Bailey – Not yet monkey, I am going to get changed out of my short dresses and then get baby clothes and then me and your daddy are going there and your mummy will bring you later okay?

Emerald – Why can't I come with you?

Bailey – Because it could be hours before the baby is born.

Emerald – Okay but once it's here I come see him or her?

Bailey – Definitely!

I see Cole feeding Thomas, he smiles at me. Thomas has got so big since he was born 6 months ago.

 Thomas has got so big since he was born 6 months ago

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Bailey – Hey Cole.

Cole – Hey, sorry I didn't come outside I was feeding little man but Tiffany videoed it and sent it to me so congratulations is in order, another little one. You definitely waste no time (laughing).

Bailey – Certainly not. Where's Josh?

Cole – Outside with Winston, me and Tiff can looks after him while you head to the hospital?

Bailey – That would be great thank you. I want to give grandad and grandma a break.

Cole – No worries.

I head outside and see my grandad sitting with Josh reading him a book. I go up and kiss my grandad head and then kiss Josh. I then inform him that I am going to the hospital and explain why. He said he was going to have a nap and I told him Cole and Tiffany are staying to help out and he was grateful.

I picked Josh up and he puts his hand on my cheek, I give him a kiss on the cheek and head inside and see my grandma sat at the dining room table, I explain to her everything and then take Josh to the living room and turn on the television for him to watch Winnie The Pooh.

I went upstairs and grabbed three maternity bag and then went and got changed into some black flower trousers, a white top and some open toed pink heels. I would of worn my dress I was wearing but if I am going to be at the hospital for hours I want to wear something comfortable.

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