Charlie|Welcome!| x reader| fluff|

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                STATUS: Rewritten.


Your POV:

'Well that's just my luck isn't it?' I thought. I rubbed my bum since it was aching from the fall I had just endured. I looked around and let out an annoyed groan. "What do you know, I'm literally in HELL." I mumbled under my breath.

I looked around but all I saw was people fighting and yelling and arson here and there. I  grabbed my nose bridge in annoyance. 'This couldn't get any worse could it?!' I thought and began walking around.

I was walking for awhile until I stumbled on a place that said: "Happy Hotel!" In big letters. I shrugged and walked in due to it being a hotel. I heard a ding as I entered and looked up to see a little bell. 'Neat.' I thought.

Charlie's POV:

I heard the door chime go off symboling someone came in. I rushed over to the door to see a demon I had never seen before standing there. I stuck out my hand for them to shake it.

"Hello, I'm Charlotte but please call me Charlie and I welcome you to the happy hotel!" I said in a cheerful voice, trying to send them the right message. They shook my hand and said with a small smile might I add, "Hello Charlie, I'm [Y/N]! Nice to meet you and thank you."

They seemed very kind. We shook hands for about 3 more seconds before my best friend Vaggie came running up to me. She looked between me and the new demon before dragging me away from them. I waved bye at them and they waved back before Vaggie pulled me aside.

"Charlie we've got to go to the new station for the interview in a minute remember?" She said with worry laced in her voice. "Yes I remember Vaggie but that demon was probably about to check in, I promise we won't be late but I need to give them their room key." I told her and looked over her shoulder at the demon. She placed her hands on my shoulders and sent a quick nod to me before I rushed over towards the area we keep the room keys.

I grabbed one of the keys and rushed over to them before grabbing their hand and leading them to their room.  "This is your room, here's your key make yourself at home." I said in a rushed voice before dropping the key into their hands. I then rushed back downstairs and left with Vaggie towards the interview with the 666 news station.

Your POV:

I looked at the clock, it's been awhile since they were gone. Sure I could probably tune into the interview since that's the literal ONLY channel besides random p*rn. I sighed and picked up a ball I had found and bounced it against the wall.

I did this for awhile before I had heard the door chime go off. I hesitated before going out of my room and looking down the stairs. I could only see the people's feet but I recognized Charlie and the other ones shoes and her socks.

I climbed down the stairs and saw a tall spider demon digging through one of the mini fridges. He pulled out an old looking popsicle box labeled : "Popsies" before turning to Charlie and saying. "You know you should really get some real food in this place." with a chuckle. When she didn't respond he walked towards her slightly and almost put an arm on her shoulder before retracting it.

That's when he noticed me, he stared at me like a deer in head lights before walking towards me. "Why hello there," he said with a flirty tone. I looked over his shoulder and saw Charlie go outside. I turned to him and said, "Excuse me for a second." and with that I turned to follow Charlie.

Charlie's POV:

I pulled my phone out and dialed my moms number. It went to voice mail. I sighed and decided to leave her a message. "Hey mom! Uh, I know I keep calling and you must be busy, Really busy." I said pacing back and forth. "The interview didn't go well and uhm.." I said before sitting down on the ground. "I don't know if I'm going to make a difference.." I felt my eyes sting and wiped a few tears away. "I don't know what I'm doing.." I put my hand on my knee. "I could really use some advice mom, I think dad was right about me, aheh..oof..uH anyway, I'll stop talking before this gets long. Love you! Bye." I said before hanging up.

I turned around to walk inside and saw [Y/N] standing there, their eyes filled with worry. They hesitantly have me a hug. I hugged them back before hearing them whisper.

"I may not know you well but I think you're going to make a difference." They said and rubbed my back soothingly. I felt safe with them, comfortable, even though we just met today. I whispered back, "Thank you [Y/N] that means a lot to me." I felt them squeeze me in reassurance.

I think letting them stay here will be one of the greatest decisions I've ever made.


The rEwRiTe is longer than the original- bUt I am happy with the rEwRiTe cause I didn't like the original all to well.

Word count: 906 words.

𝙝𝙖𝙯𝙗𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙚l 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 OLDWhere stories live. Discover now