What if you told them you were...

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Okay so this is for all my Trans and Non Binary homies out there. Hope you enjoy and also if your parents don't accept you just know that I do! :) if anyone needs anything I'm here just message me. I won't punch you if you do lol.




- She was a little shocked but still happy.

- She Would let you bind in the hotel.

- She would make everyone call you the appropriate gender.

- Would help you if people started misgendering you.

- Would help you get top surgery or bottom surgery or both.

Angel Dust:

- He would support you 100%

- He'd strangle anyone who denied that you were what you said you were.

- Wouldn't have a Problem with you binding.

- Was a bit surprised but also eager.

- Would help Charlie help you get top/bottom/both surgery.


- Would accept you for who you said you were.

- Would try to help you in anyway.

- Would try to get you the best binder out there.

- Would send someone to double hell for hurting your feelings.

- Would donate in getting you surgery or try to do it himself.


- Would accept you.

- offers to buy you the binder herself.

- would help you get into your binder as well.

- would yell at Al for trying to preform surgery on you himself.

- Someone who try's to hurt your feelings would get a spear to the throat.


- wouldn't understand what transgender meant at first until you explained it.

- ask a lot of questions.

- Would ask what your binder was and what you needed it for.

- would accept you and try to help anyway she could.

- would donate for the surgery with whatever helped.


- Wouldn't act like he gave a damn but he really did and was happy for you.

- Beat someone up for judging you.

- Wouldn't care if you binded.

- Has to explain to Niffty what it was.

- would ask Alastor to help you with top/bottom surgery.


- Would wonder why you told him of all people.

- Very observant of you.

- record notes and such as for research on trans people.

- having to explain to him about what causes it.

𝙝𝙖𝙯𝙗𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙚l 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 OLDWhere stories live. Discover now