Baxter | Suffocate | x Reader| angst + song fic |

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[The song is by Hayd and it's really sad but I love it :)]

n e ways:

⚠️ TW: Suicide ⚠️

You knocked on your boyfriends door but to no avail he didn't answer. You knocked again. You tried the door handle and it easily moved.

I'll be back...

You opened the door and nearly fell to the floor before shakily walking into the room. You covered your mouth and just sat there sobbing before picking up the note and slowly reading it.

"I'll be back, that's what you said when you left me..." you mumbled and looked at him after fully reading the note.

Baxter and you were on a date that day but he texted you and said he had forgot something so you waited there and waited but he never showed and now you knew why.

"I wish I could stay..." you said before walking out the door for some fresh air as you looked up at the sky. "I wish I could stay but I need some space and you're in my way..." you sobbed while looking at the sky.


A few weeks has passed but you were still in shock. You just didn't want to believe it, why would he leave you like this. You looked at the sky through your window.

"Can you see me?.." you said looking for any sign outside as a yes but nothing happened. "I'm dancing on my own, can you hear me?" you said still having some hope left in that rumble mess of your broken heart. "I'm crying out for help.." you said before backing away from the window.

"Is it ignorance or selfishness, you said stay here but I'm running out of air.." you said before looking back at the note you'd taken with you, of course you called the ambulance and his funeral was soon to arrive. It was tomorrow actually.

Baxter had always told you never to give up on life but it seems like he was the one who gave up on it.

"I hope you know, as I wait I suffocate."
you mumbled before burying yourself into the sheets and drifting off to sleep. You felt so stupid, how could you not have known? How could you not have seen the signs? He was hurting and you didn't help him. That's the only words that ran through your head until morning.


You were currently getting ready for his funeral, you hoped and prayed that he went to heaven even if he did take his own life. You put on a black dress and grabbed your phone and put your best black heels on then walked out the door.

I hope you know..

When you arrived at the building you signed yourself in and then you walked into the room. There you saw Baxter, he didn't look like himself. He looked doll like not like himself which only made you mad but you bit your tongue because there was no time for that.

I hope you know that the air gets cold when you don't hold me...

You put your flowers next to the casket and then walked up to the casket and touched his cold hand. It felt like your whole world fell apart, some on you cared for the most had left this world. You'd never be able to do anything with him again. You let the tears flow as a few more of Baxter's family and friends headed into the room, they were also crying.
You stepped away from the casket and sat in the chair.

The sky turns gray, the flowers fade and blow away..

You walked out of the building and walked outside for a moment while you tried to maintain your water works.

Can you see me? I'm dancing on my own. Can you hear me? I'm crying out for help, is it ignorance or selfishness you said stay here but I'm running out of air.

You sighed before walking back inside.

"I hope you know as I wait I suffocate.." you mumbled before walking back into the room at the right time.


Okay that was sad I know, I really like this song so I wanted to put it in a chapter except for one of the characters I have never written about so far. So boom Baxter and I'm sorry Baxter you got unlucky this time. N e ways..😗✌🏻

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