Angel Dust | Hair (P2)| x reader | Lime |

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[IF YOU DIDN'T READ THE TITLE THAN THIS IS A LIMEEEEEEE, this be yer only warning laddie.]



3rd POV:

You couldn't get the thought that Angel Dust had kissed your cheek, it had been about 2 weeks later but the thought still flew through your mind.

You felt your cheeks heat up at the thought. You wanted to feel that sensation again, not only on your cheek though but in...let's say other places.

[Y/N] here had gotten themselves in a big phat pickle and now have a crush on the really tall spider demon, sadly though we can't control who we like.

You and Angel Dust were pretty close, close enough that you entered the girl gossip stage with him. He could trust you and you could trust him and boy did this worsen your crush on him.

You two hung out occasionally and today so happened to be one of those occasions, but you didn't know that detail yet. [insert: "if you saw me do this, no you didn't." ❤️]


I couldn't stop thinking about [Y/N], I did kiss there cheek as a thanks but why did it feel different? I sucked in a breath before knocking at their door.

The door swung open quicker than I thought to reveal a messy [Y/N], they were still in pajamas and had a very tired look on their face and can't forget that they were slouching. I couldn't help but say something, "Sex is rough here, huh?" I said snickering.

They looked at me and immediately straightened their back out of the slouch stance they possessed. They playfully hit my arm, "Shut it pretty boy!" They said and narrowed their eyes at me. "Nice to see you too, [Y/N]." I said and placed a smile on my features.

They sighed and motioned for me to come inside. I sat down on their couch and looked around, their house was pretty cozy.

They came back from the kitchen and handed me something to drink. [IDK WHAT ANGEL WOULD LIKE TO DRINK SHDNSLAPHSBD]

Your POV:

I sat next to Angel on the couch and eventually we found a topic to talk about, we talked about it for awhile until the kiss suddenly flashed into my mind. I felt need start build up in my nether regions. It was taking everything in me not to touch myself right then and there. [HSNSLODJRBD I HATED WRITING THAT DIJSLAOEHRHBD]

I simply just started rubbing my thighs together. I prayed to lucifer Angel wouldn't notice but of course he did because he said, "[Y/N], what are you happening to be doing with your legs there?" I stopped immediately and felt my eyes widen before looking down at the floor, blushing.

"I-I...uhm.." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering before I felt a finger grip my chin and made me look at him. I looked away from his eyes before I felt soft, fuzzy? [idk] lips on mine.

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly my heat growing because of this, I wanted to punch myself was I dreaming? I slowly started kissing back and soon it became heated, tongues battling for dominance and his winning.

3rd POV:

Angel Dust separated from [Y/N] as they both panted and a string of saliva connected them. They smiled at each other before Angel Dust took one of his arms and laced his fingers with [Y/N]'s and he leaned into their ear before nibbling on it. "How about we take this to your room."

[ This part is censored 😌❤️]

BLaH bLaH bLaH tHen StuFf HapEnS aNd THen Oh No nO pRoTEcTiON? DAnG.


There is a possibility that I happen to replace the last few lines with a lemon IF I CAN if I can't then I'm sorry I just can't. ✊🏻😎✊🏻

𝙝𝙖𝙯𝙗𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙚l 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 OLDWhere stories live. Discover now