Tom Trench | Need help? | x reader| fluff |

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Your POV:

'Okay last thing I need to do is take these boxes to the back.' I said to myself in my head, I work at 666 news station in none other than the unfair cruel place called Hell. I don't even get paid. I just do it to seem him.

Him is Tom, Tom Trench to be exact. I find myself staring at him quite a lot. I'm not quite fond of this lady next to him though. She seems so annoying. Katy Killjoy was it? Eh I don't really care all I know is that I kind of want her to go to double hell.

I realized I had zoned out so I shook my head as I grabbed one of the five boxes to carry to the back. "Oh no," I heard a voice behind me. I whipped my head around and realized it was that annoying lady. "What?" I asked her before narrowing my eyes at her.

"Taking one box at a time will take too long, we need it done now!" She then turned around and stacked all the boxes on top of the first one. I nearly lost my balance as I mumbled under my breath, "bitch."

Tom's POV:

I sighed as Katy returned back next to me, "Why do you give them a hard time?" I asked as I watched [Y/N] struggle for a minute before looking at the demon beside me. "Tom, this is hell its not all sunshine and rainbows if they wanted that they should've tried to get into Heaven." she said while applying more lipstick.

She turned to look at me, "Besides if I don't, who will?" Her smile grew wider at that. I glared at her behind my mask before getting up with a sigh and heading over to the STILL struggling [Y/N]. They nearly fell as I took two boxes off of them.

"Need some help?" I said smiling at them behind my mask. They nodded at me and smiled softly in return. "Thank you so much!" They said and with that we headed off to the back room.

"Katy's lipstick must have sunken into her flat brain." I said as we reached the back room, they giggled at that. They shook their head and smiled at me "It's fine don't worry about it." They said as we were now heading back into the news station.

Before I went back to my seat I turned to them. "I'll see you afterwards okay?" They nodded their head at me and with that I sat next to "Miss Bossy Bitch".

3rd POV:

[Y/N] smiled to themself and looked at the floor, could this be a start of a friendship? Would that friendship turn into something more? [Y/N] kept giggling as they thought about dates and hell even the wedding.

They looked at Tom once more before heading to sit down somewhere still thinking.


Okay this was kinda short I know, I might make a part two. For now I've got other ideas for different characters.

𝙝𝙖𝙯𝙗𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙚l 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 OLDWhere stories live. Discover now