Dating Charlie would include:

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Hi, so I think I'm going to start doing this types of things too so, yea. :)


- Skin Ship: She'll hold your hand in public and give you quick pecks but nothing too romantic. She's also not really the type to initiate the kiss well only sometimes does she. When your alone however she'll allow it to get more steamy. ;)

- Names: Honey, CharChar, Princess, Baby, Cutie.

- You'd have to be a clean demon and not backfire on it. Which you wanted to strangle AngelDust for.

- She's not really the jealous type because she trust you and knows you wouldn't do anything like that.

- you help her keep the hotel from becoming too chaotic.

- sex? Not often because she's too nervous for it.

- Vaggie and you are great friends.

- AngelDust ships you guys together along with Niffty. Alastor and Husk pay no attention to you two. Baxter is too busy and Razzle and Dazzle couldn't even hear you when you announced it.

- You tease her by calling her baby and a bunch of other names in public which always makes her flustered, in your opinion it's adorable.

-"Hell feels like heaven with you here already." "Awh, stop it [Y/N]."

I'm gonna only put 10 things for each person so I hope you enjoyed, remembering BLM and bye. :)

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