What if you came out to them?

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Hey peoples, I know I haven't updated in a bit but I just thought of this so I wanted to do it. I'll probably make another chapter about gender and not just sexual orientation.

N e ways let's go:



- Acceptance? Yes she would accept you, she'd even set you up with someone if you wanted.

- She'd probably even listen when you needed to rant about something that has to do with your sexual orientation that ticked you off.

- Problems with you bringing the same sex into the hotel? No, not at all. She'd be really happy for you actually.

- Would let you throw a wedding for the same sex at the hotel if you wanted.

- Just overall really accepting and would help you if you needed her.

Angel Dust:

- Acceptance? pFFT ofc King/Queen, I mean it's Angel.

- Would hype you up about being who you are 24/7.

- Would give you advice on how to catch someone's eye.

-PRoBlEm with you dating the same sex? No, he'd probably gush over how cute you two looked.

- Would take you shopping and let you talk about gay stuff if you wanted to.


- Acceptance? Yes, because it's Alastor and he's part of the LGBTQ+ too.

- Would be there for you if people judged you for being what you are. (Would end in them going to double hell)

- You could talk to him if you needed.

- Problem with you dating the same sex? Nope not at all.

- Would get you anything you needed ASAP.


- Acceptance? Yes, I mean her and Charlie are/could be dating so duh.

- Would give you advice on what to do during the tHINGS (if you're a woman.)

- Would let you talk to her.

- Problem with dating the same sex? Nope, why would it bother her?

- There would be a possibility that you and her would date.


- Acceptance? Yea she wouldn't have a problem with it.

- would ask MULTIPLE questions.

- Would help you out if she understood what you needed.

- Problem with you dating the same sex? No, just very very curious.

- She'd help you if she understood what you needed.


- Acceptance? Yea but he'd probably only say yea cause he couldn't hear you tbh.

- Would forget in a few seconds 10/10.

- If you're not close he'd probably tell you to fuck off.

- Would let you rant and be there for you.

- Problems with you dating the same sex? No he'd probably not even notice.


- Acceptance? Yea but would also be too busy.

- Would most likely record documents of your relationships.

-Would support you but also wonder what you're in his lab for.

- PWYDTSS? No not at all. Would make a whole film of it lol.

- Very very interested in it because she's probably never seen a gay demon besides Angel.


That's the end of this unless you guys want Lucifer, Tom, and others. I'll make the one about the genders later maybe tomorrow.

𝙝𝙖𝙯𝙗𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙚l 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 OLDWhere stories live. Discover now