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unknown number: Hey Brendon

unknown number: I've heard you and Ryan are quite the couple now

brendon: sorry, who is this?

unknown number: You don't need to worry about that

unknown number: There are other things you could be worrying about

unknown number: like global warming

unknown number: or the potential end of the world

brendon: seriously ur kinda freaking me out

brendon: who are u

unknown number: You could worry about what the rest of the world is worrying about

unknown number: or you could worry about why I'm texting you

unknown number: or the things that could happen

brendon: please stop texting me and just tell me who u are

unknown number: If I were you, I'd rather worry about what's going on with you
read 11:07am

unknown number: I'm not Brent, but someone I know is
your message could not be delivered!

unknown number: Shame, you blocked me
your message could not be delivered!

unknown number: Oh well.
your message could not be delivered!

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