1. Meeting Dushalla

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"Meeting someone for the first time and it feels like we have known them forever, a deeper connection rests somewhere. I cannot provide any explanations for its a matter of heart." ~ Subhadra


It all began with my first day at Kanyakul. Subhadra, the biggest prankster, sat quietly by the tree looking around, a small fear of adapting to the entirely new environment evident in her eyes.

We are the same, I am Subhadra, the youngest daughter of Shri Vasudev and Rohini, the most cherished sister of Balram and Krishna.

"Dushalla!" A beautiful name caught my attention and I smiled subconsciously. 

"I have heard this name from Brata Krishna. Isn't she the Princess of Has.... wait what was the name?" I questioned myself.


"Yes!" I exclaimed looking behind the tree to find Dushalla having a mango, the juicy pulp flowing down her arms. 

"Weren't you on the other side of the river bank?" I asked and she jumped forward, sitting beside me. 

"I was, but the aroma of these fresh mangoes drew me towards them." She giggled, passing another mango towards me.

"What's your name?" She started.

"Bhadra... Subhadra" I replied.

"Bhadra or Subhadra?" She asked, confusion clearly written on her face.

"Either is fine. My name is Subhadra but Brata addresses me as Bhadra" I told her, now squealing as the cold mango juice ran down my arms.

"You are as clumsy as me." She hid her smile.

"I am learning to be like you, Dushalla" I said and she quickly wiped away the stains of the fruit from her hands with a kerchief and then gave me a new one.

"Thank you."

"Do you always behave so formally with your friends, Subhu?" she asked, crossing her arms around her chest and I gave her a playful smile on hearing the name, Subhu.

"Su-bhad-ra ! It's really long my dear" Dushalla added.

"I like this name." Dushalla smiled brightly and then added, "I could call you Bhadra but that makes absolutely no difference between me and the others" she said and I began tapping my fingers against my chin, thinking of a name for her.

"Dushi...." I whispered, the name somehow managed her ears.

"I love that name" She replied enthusiastically.

"The first day of Kanyakul and we already have two best friends." We both looked up to find Charu, my cousin who was also one of my best friends. 

"Friends?" Dushalla asked, forwarding her hands. 

"Best friends!" I replied and shook hers. As Charu introduced herself to Dushalla, I enquired her about her family. Dushalla's eyes sparked up, appearing like she had been waiting for the conversation to be initiated.

"I have a hundred siblings, all being brothers. They are amazing, also boring. They are cheerful but serious, calm sometimes...."

"Enough Dushi!" I cut her in between, "Why does everyone talk to me like Brata Krishna?"

"Only a few get that luck of hearing incomprehensible words everytime." Charu giggled and I raised my eyebrow at her. 

"Brata Krishna? I have heard many tales about him." Dushalla's high-pitched voice distracted us.

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