9. Spilled Confessions

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"It felt like I was a mere sentence in his book but where there is great love, miracles tend to occur" ~ Subhadra


"Whoever it is, please come out." The silhouette grew closer to me and I shut my eyes, clasping the trunk in my hands.

"Devi? [Lady]" I opened my eyes and encountered the same pair of hazel eyes glancing at me.

'Is my heart a tracker of Prince Arjun that it quickens it's beats when he is around? Push aside these new thoughts Bhadra...'

"Are you okay?" I looked at him with a polite smile and nodded once.

'Stay calm, Bhadra!'

"Pranipat [Greetings]" I returned his greeting, trying hard not to stammer.

"I hope I did not scare you. You seem pale and tensed!" I shook my head in denial though he had always been the reason for such behavior.

"I am okay, Prince..." I repeated and asked him the reason for his arrival.

"Actually, I wanted to have that gift you brought for me?" I was surprised and shocked at the same time.

"How did you come to know about it?"

"By God's grace, I have got sharp ears and good observation skills. As a brother, I can easily grasp the thoughts of Dushalla" He smiled, a heavenly one.

I looked down at the trunk in my hands and pursed my lips.

"You are really smart" I coed and slowly opened the trunk, pulling out the wooden arrow from it.

"This was your present. Do you remember this piece? You used to fire these arrows to the target on the other side of mountain when you were young..." I said, visualising the scene in my eyes.

"I sensed that this was my arrow at the very first glance, but how did you get this arrow?" The question shook me up.

'How could I reveal to him that I picked the arrow up from his Gurukul on the pretext of being fascinated by him? This would turn into an awkward exchange of words... lie to him Subhu, make up a new story!'

"It so happened that I found this arrow on the ground when I had visited the Gurukul and I simply picked it up because I was very much fascinated by yo..." I was at a loss of words, realising that I had blurted out the truth.

"Fascinated by?" He repeated, an amusement dancing in his eyes.

"By.... you...r arrow! I have loved arrows since childhood..." I said and he remained mum, glancing at the arrow.

'I can understand that you are interested in him, Bhadra but does it mean that you can't even make up a story before him? In an attempt to lie to him, you ended with saying the truth to him...'

"Did I do anything wrong? I am so sorry, I didn't know that you were looking for your wooden arrow all these years" I finished, soon realising what I had said, again.

"Excuse me?" I bit my lower lip at his statement.

'Subhadra really needs to learn what to say and when to shut up! Before you mess up more, excuse yourself and leave as soon as it's possible!'

"May I ask an question if you're fine by it?"

I nodded.

"Is there any specific reason for you to keep this arrow with you all these years? Had it been anyone else, they would have simply discarded the arrow as no warrior would use this wooden arrow, wouldn't they?"

The Story Through My Eyes ~ SubhadraWhere stories live. Discover now