11. Guru Dakshana

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"Sometimes, the one whom you assume to be your priority will show you the one who truly has to be yours." ~ Subhadra


"Subhadra, are you okay?"

I opened my eyes to the ceiling of my room and wondered how I reached the bed. Slowly getting down proved to be a bad idea as my balance stumbled.

"Careful." I heard Dushalla as she helped me up the bed.

"I'm sorry Dushalla. I couldn't attend the feast. I think I fainted due to lack of rest and back to back travels.." I started and she shushed me in response.

"I'm sorry too Subhadra. I should not have left you behind. It was my responsibility to take care of you, especially when you aren't well." She added and all I could do was give her a smile.

Both of us knew that we were not at fault but what's the harm in apologising to a friend? I sat back against the bed and saw her take the plate from the nearby table.

"Eat something." She ordered as she fed me a spoon of kheer.

"You ate?" I asked. She nodded.

"I finished half of my food when a maid informed me about your condition and I rushed here" She said, feeding me another spoon.

"Maid, is it?" I asked, the images of Arjuna holding me, flashing in my mind.

She hummed casually. Maybe, I was overthinking as usual. It was not him, perhaps, a servant or a maid. I thought and decided to concentrate on kheer that was fed to me.

"Where is Charu?" I asked and Dushalla let out a small chuckle. It was enough for me to guess where my friend was.

"Where is Brata Nakul?" I asked Dushalla, trying to control my smile. She tried to fake ignorance but both of us started laughing after some time.

"Both of them are in the royal library and I'm sure they would have turned the whole place upside down." She said and I smiled now finishing the kheer Dushalla had brought for me.

"Where is Queen Gandhari and Bua Kunti? I need to apologise to them for not being able to attend the feast today." Dushalla nodded and recounted me the way to their respective chambers.

"You're not coming with me?" I asked her and she nodded in negative.

"No, Bratashri Duryodhan has called me to his chamber. He must be waiting for me." She said and I nodded, as we walked away from the chamber.

* * *

"Subhadra?" I stopped as I heard my name and turned behind to find Brata Bheem walk towards me.

"Pranipat Bratashri!" I greeted him and he smiled in response, that which lasted for less than a minute.

"I got to hear from Arjun that you fainted in the morning. So, I am here to enquire if you are okay now?" I smiled and gave him a single nod.

"It was fatigue due to constant travelling." I explained him the reason and he heaved a sigh of relief.

"And how did Prince Arjun know about this?" I asked in a casual tone to not give away any hints to my brother.

"He told us that he was the one who found you unconscious. He came to the Sabha (hall) only a few minutes after Dushalla came to you. So, I guess he took care of you." Brata Bheem replied, the last few words making me go weak on my knees.

"Took care of me?" I repeated in a voice inaudible to my own ears while Brata Bheem was busy fixing his angavastra.

"Okay, Bratashri. I'll see you after some time. I am on my way to meet Queen Gandhari and Bua Kunti to apologise for missing the feast." I said and he pursed his lips, waving me a bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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