Fun Start

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Author's Note:-

June 2020.

At around 7 pm, I pushed myself to stop surfing on the internet. It had become a hobby during the quarantine, searching for some relevant answers for the school assignments. A tiring job!

I was all alone at home and for a change of hobby, I began reading few books on Wattpad. I joined the forum on the same day due to my friend's recommendation, Shri211003. A few articles was all my mind could process before it slided the dangerous idea of authoring a book.

It didn't take a few seconds for me to second that thought and this was the start of my journey an author which began without research, without any analysis about the plots or opportunities available on this platform. It was more of a let's do it just for fun than let's do it for passion.

To say I was excited was clearly an understatement. It was the first time that I was going to do something out of the box, doing something my family members had never done before.

I think a few can relate. Being the youngest in a family is like having almost every thing planned beforehand. There is absolutely nothing to discover as the path has been paved for you by your precessor.

If an elder sibling tries to pursue a skill, we  are forced to venture into that field. This is how life is for me. Hence, it was different.

The memories of hastily typing the introduction note and the first chapter which wasn't more than 500 words (because it was an unplanned effort) play in my mind at this moment! Searching for a picture to display for the story are memories that I will cherish forever.

On pressing the "Publish" button, I felt as though I accomplished something that was impossible for the world. I announced it on my board with 2 followers (who were random) without the followers option turned on. The day ended with this.

Next morning, I published a few more chapters (again 500 words each). Above all, something that I had to take care of was my book remaining a secret as far as my family was concerned. [Edit: My family knows about this account now, so yeah]

This is no truth that parents will be happy with this effort but my dear sibling would read the work I published and that was not my preference. It just gets awkward. After 2-3 days, I was delighted to find some votes and comments on my story by Shreya_rd and arjunsuba.

And the feeling is unexplainable! The fact that two people read a book that I wrote in a childish manner and also left behind sweet comments was one of the most memorable experiences in my life.

Then, I managed to get a few readers, few with promotions and few by God's grace. The book began to gain more love, support and encouragement.

Then, the book came to an end on August 6th, 2020. However, it had a lot of improvements to look into and was unpublished around October-November. I thought I should record these precious moments and so we are here.

25th January 2021. I am writing this chapter with the only hope that it would bring a smile on your face while you're reading it as me while writing it! Now, you may proceed to read about the story of the royal and noble lady.

I thought I should share my story of how a new hobby became an inseperable part of my life too. I hope you enjoyed this piece.

Happy reading! I hope you will connect with her and that you would enjoy the journey from Subhadra to Arjunsangini.

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By cutie_pixie123 from BlueStarCommunity

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By cutie_pixie123 from BlueStarCommunity

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Copyright © 2020 sssm2569

All rights reserved.

The content of this book or it's  parts may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission of the publisher.

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters and background are taken from the Hindu epic of Mahabharat. However, the events and incidents specified in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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