6. Invitation Of Love

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"The happiness we get from spending time with our dear ones is priceless." ~ Subhadra


"Pitashree!" I exclaimed bowing before my father while Charu found herself in my mother's arms.

"God bless you!"

"Won't you talk to us?" Brata Krishna and Balram asked in unison, a cute frown on their faces. 

"How could I forget about my first heroes? Are you both doing good?" I ran towards them.

"Everything went good but your absence made the atmosphere lonely" Brata Balram said, "even food wasn't delicious, no matter who prepared it."

"Now that she's back, you would get to eat delicious food, few tiny changes like salt instead of sugar and milk instead of curd" Charu added and I crossed my hands.

"Bhadra hadn't learnt of how to cook yet?" Mata asked.

"She did, but she messed up with these ingredients everytime. She always uses salt instead of sugar and milk instead of curd in her recipes and we need to face the consequence" Charu replied.

I sighed. No one could tell why I got confused between these four items when they were totally different from each other but as Charu said, I always messed up my dishes.

"To celebrate their arrival, why don't we host a competition? A music challenge between Bhadra and Brata Kanha? Between Flute and Veena?" Satyaki asked and the atmosphere changed in no time.

"Veena will win!" I said despite knowing that my tune would not surpass Bratashri's flute in any manner. His flute was magical, it could soothe anyone's pain and bring a beautiful smile on their face.

"Challenge accepted! Dau, who do you think will win?" Brata asked.

"Kanha's sister will win. Once, her teacher told me that her music could cure deafness. In my advice, you should not take up this challenge and lose to Bhadra at any cost" Brata Balram said.

"What do you think Charu?" Dau asked.

"It's very hard to arrive at a single person. Bratashri's flute has always given rise to peace in our hearts but Subhu isn't less either. Both tunes are magical in their own way, maybe, a judge is required to clear this matter" she said.

Pitashree started "Good that you reminded me Charu. We have received an invitation from Hastinapur to visit their palace. The Princes are returning from the Gurukul but the problem is that..."

"Another invitation has been accepted by us much before this one. Kanha and Balram will have to stay in Dwarka to defend the army of Jarasandha" Mata said.

"Jarasandha again? Why aren't you defeating him when you are capable to do so, Bratashri?" Charu asked, irritation visible in her tone.

"Time decides to put an end to everything in this world, be it kingdoms or people priye. When his time comes, a strong prince from the Aryavat will defeat him."

I nodded at his reply. Brata Krishna was omniscient and omnipotent. He often told that it wasn't necessary for a person to be present in the battlefield to achieve victory. Sometimes, one can win without fighting for his victory.

My mind took me down the lane to the time when he killed many demons in his childhood, my uncle being one of them. I wasn't born at that time but he often says that I saved his and Brata Balram's life.

"You are my Yogmaya, Subhadra. I would do anything to keep you merry."

But a small me wasn't bothered about the first line. I was only concerned about the fact that he would do anything for me and would often ask him to take me out of the palace during nights.

"As nobody would be able to make it, should we consider declining the invitation received from HASTINAPUR?" Brata Balram's words brought me to the present.

"The protection of our kingdom should be our utmost priority. An invitation from Hastinapur does not have much importance..." I told my father who nodded once.

'HASTINAPUR? Did I just hear that name? Dushalla's home? If I could go there, I can meet her again and I can also get a chance to meet her mysterious brother.'

I was again lost in the thoughts of Prince Arjuna but I was also sure that if I was lucky enough to go to Hastinapur, he would leave that palace due to some reason because my luck to meet him is tinier than the tiniest particle in this universe.

"I haven't got the permission to go there either..." I whispered as Brata Krishna spoke up.

"Subhadra and Charu can! To decline an invitation isn't wise as it symbolises enimity and pride but if they do not want to go to Hastinapur, we can do nothing but decline the invitation" Brata said.

"No!" Both of us exclaimed in unison and the entire family looked at us, bewildered while Brata Krishna had a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"So you both don't want to go?" He asked.

"We meant that we would like to go to Hastinapur..." Charu gave him an instant reply before the question was repeated to me.

"No problem Bratashri! I am interested in going to Has... Hasti... Hastinapur."

He nodded, the smile intact.

'Why was I stammering? Because I would get a point one percent chance of meeting the third Pandava?'

"Kanha, they have come home today. How could we send them back tomorrow? Relationships with other kingdoms aren't as important as personal relations."
Bratashri Krishna nodded at his words.

"Their departure to Hastinapur would mark the beginning of a new chapter in many hearts. In my words, it is necessary for this journey to happen" Brata said as the latter nodded.

"Our departure and a new chapter? That too in many hearts? Subhu, is he referring to Prince Arjuna? Would he fall for me?" Charu whispered in my ears and I sighed.

"What would I know? When my life is beyond my control, being operated by someone unknown to me!" I got out.

"You refer to God?" Charu asked and I realised what I had just said and simply hummed.

'He would have no idea that his name and fame could be impacting a person to such an extent that he had got his name engraved in her heart, but he thinks that such a person doesn't even exist in this world.'

Brata Balram agreed to Brata Kanha's words with a reluctant heart. He walked and hugged us with all the love he had.

"Be back as soon as possible" He whispered in our ears and we nodded.

"We'll miss you Bhaiya" Both of us said, tightening our hold around his shoulder.

"Would I be missed too?" Brata Krishna asked and Charu giggled as I pulled him into our embrace.
As our parents adored the sibling hug, the maids threw flowers on us.

"Get ready for tomorrow. A long and life-changing experience is awaiting you at Hastinapur." My brothers left us in our chamber.

"A life-changing experience!" I repeated as a wide range of emotions danced on my face, a profound excitement to meet Prince Arjun and a tension so as to whether I would be able to meet him.

Do vote and comment. Also, is there anyone who gets confused with salt and the powdered sugar while cooking? Because I do and so does our Bhadra!

 Also, is there anyone who gets confused with salt and the powdered sugar while cooking? Because I do and so does our Bhadra!

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