3. New Bonds

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"Not every bond is bound by blood, some are based on pure affection." ~ Subhadra


Long chapter ahead.

It was a silent night with the waters of the lake glittering under the silver light of the moon. Charu had asked me too meet her there after dinner while Dushalla had retired to bed early today. 

"I could have asked about her brother Arjun from Dushalla this evening, but it never flashed me" I murmured when I felt a hand cover my eyes. I giggled and said, "Archery."

"You are teasing me Subhu!" She whined.

"What did you want to tell me?" I diverted the topic.

"I am really eager to meet Arjuna. I have heard that he possesses a caliber of becoming the greatest archer in the world" She squealed, phrasing the excitement I had in my mind.

"Who provided you with these details?" I enquired and Dushalla found it to the right moment to interrupt our conversation.

"Subhu! Charu! You have to be in our chambers now. Guruma will punish both of you if she finds us here" Dushalla scolded us. 

"There's nothing to worry about Guruma, we can melt her heart easily. Charu, tell me who is that person?" I asked when I heard a footstep behind me and I saw both of them widen their eyes at the figure behind me.

"Am I caught?" I thought looking behind.

"Who are you?" I asked the man behind me.

"My name is Vidur, the minister of Hastinapur." I smiled and turned behind and found my friends missing. 

"They ran away long ago," he smiled and started, "what are you doing here at this time?"

"Nature, it provides comfort and peace." 

"Perfectly said Subhadra! You love nature, don't you?" He asked with a smile.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"As the minister of the kingdom of Hastinapur, I do not cease to be overlooking the achievements of the future Aryavat." He twinkled.

"But I have not achieved anything..."

"Of course you did. Mastering the art of the Veena in a day is a remarkable achievement" He said, trying to suppress his smile at my expressions.

"Do you keep up with achievements of everyone in the Aryavat?" I asked him curiously.

"From Arjuna's archery to Nakul's swordfight to Duryodhan's mace, I make sure to take note of everything." The name again brought about butterflies in my stomach.

"Putri, go and sleep now. We have a long journey tomorrow" He said and I folded my hands before walking to my tent. 

I got to my bed and laid down. It was the third time I heard his name in the Kanyakul. Again,I began experiencing anxiety and nervousness yet I was not able to overcome my curiosity to meet him.

* * *

The next morning, I woke up unusually early and noticed my friends to have risen earlier. It was no secret that all of us were equally excited for the journey. As Mantri Vidur sat on the chariot, I sat in between Dushalla and Charu behind him. The charioteer took over the reins and we sat admiring the silent woods and the serene atmosphere.

"Gurukul!" Dushalla's words broke the silence as she pointed towards the school appearing as majestic as ever. I maintained a cheerful smile, contrast to the storm of nervousness that was blowing inside.

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