7. Subtle Glimpses

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"A soulmate is the one who, on an encounter, gives no anxiety or agitation. Only calm, like he did." ~ Subhadra


I was in my chamber, my mind recollecting Brata Krishna's words.

'A life-changing journey? Brata Krishna said that this journey would impact someone to a great extent? If yes, who is that person? Does it relate to my life or will I be changing someone's life? Will it be that mysterious brother of my childhood friend Dushalla?' I thought.

Immediately, Charu's words flashed across my mind, 'Will he fall for me?'

I sighed, unknowingly. Was it right on my part to have feelings for someone who is loved by my cousin?

I turned away to the arrow and a mischievous smile found its way on my lips.

'Or will it be Dushalla's eldest and angriest brother, Duryodhan?'

I laughed at my own thought. His name has always aroused a fear, let alone the thought of changing his life. I would never want to be a subject of his temper.

I had to escape his meet in the kingdom which wasn't a great deal for me as I was really good at it.

"Princess?" I was interrupted by my maid.


"Princess Charu is here to meet you." I nodded and the lady left the room while another entered.

"Princess, would you require this old wooden arrow? It doesn't seem to have utility, shall I throw it away?" She asked and I felt a sudden impulse to throw her out of the whole palace.

"Are you new here?" I asked her in an abrupt manner making her stand still.

"It's not her, but it's you who is new here. How would she know what you saw in this half broken arrow that you choose to carry it along with you, wherever you go..." Charu replied, entering the room.

"Not everything polish holds a significance in our lives and not everything simple is not useful in our lives. This is nothing but an old arrow in your eyes but this holds a special place in my heart, bringing before a thousand memories that are buried in my heart." I immediately took the arrow in my hands.

"Now that I'm in Dwarka, inform everyone that nobody should touch this arrow or this trunk in which it's kept." I ordered as the maid nodded, leaving the chamber.

"Would you never tell me what this arrow has done in your life? I've always been curious" Charu asked and I began to tell her the reason when her words striked my mind, "Will he fall for me?"

"Nothing important." I tried to put an end to the conversation and placed the arrow in the trunk beside the golden paper where I had written the poem on Him.

"Never mind, I came here to take my red-pearled scarf for packing for tomorrow" Charu replied and walked away.

'What would Charu know about this wooden arrow? According to her, thus is like every other ordinary arrow but for me, this piece is equivalent to a thousand diamonds.'

'Something which reminds me of that day in the Gurukul.'

'Something which brings forth the hazy image of that boy on the hill.'

'Something which reminds me of the magic of his name, which I am unable to understand irrespective of my age.'

'And lastly, something which draws most of my time in such unproductive thoughts. Are they unproductive? Of course not' I thought.

The Story Through My Eyes ~ SubhadraWhere stories live. Discover now