8. The Man

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"Meeting you was like listening to a tune for the first time and knowing that it would be my favourite." ~ Subhadra


He was a prince. Dressed in pure white with golden ornaments adorning him from head to feet, he was really handsome. His crown housed his black hair perfectly which was a complete contrast to his fair complexion.
After some moments, I managed to look away from him.

'Bhadra, all along these years, you wished to meet Prince Arjun and when you have got a chance, you are struck speechless by a random man in this palace? Is this your ethics?'

I folded my hands in an attempt to acknowledge the audience. I stepped down after paying my respect to the instrument while Dushalla and Charu clapped and hugged me.

"You were marvelous. You have a magic hidden in your fingers, so no matter what instrument we give, you manage to surpass all the others" Dushalla squealed.

"I scold myself everyday for not learning an instrument in our school on hearing your music." I heard Charu speak and smiled.

"Maybe, because you were more interested in archery" I chided Charu as her cheeks absorbed a reddish colour.

Looking at Bua [Aunt] Kunti, I received a silent nod as a reply and I silently thanked Bratashri for his help but a question was still beating in my mind, so as to why I played that tune which I had composed thinking of Prince Arjun.

While I was lost in my thoughts, Pitamah's question brought my mind to a standstill.

"Pitamah, they are Subhadra and Charumathi, the Princesses of the Yadav Clan. We studied in the same Kanyakul." She finished as we took Pitamah's blessings.

After some exchange of words, I found the Princes gather around us, the elders moving towards the other end of the arena.

"How are you Subhu? It's been a long time since we met, are you scared of insects now?" A Prince questioned.

"I am fine, Bratashri! I do get creeped out... wait, is this the first question you would ask on meeting your sister after many years?" I pouted when Charu placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Bhadra, it's Prince Nakul after all. You can never expect any words of sense from him!" She said and I glanced at Dushalla who shook her head slowly.

"Maybe, but they definitely make more sense than those of a girl named, Charumathi!" Bratashri got out. Here they went, Brata Nakul and Charu, again. Pulling the other's leg and fighting over petty issues.

"Charu, it's enough." I pulled an irritated Charu behind while that Prince signalled Brata Nakul to remain quiet.

'This man is well acquainted with Brata Nakul, only then he is able to get Brata Nakul under his control.'

"Subhadra, get used to him. We can never change Nakul, hence, as his twin brother, I apologise to you..." Brata Sahadev added.

"Bratashri, please don't apologise to your sister. It's not his fault, he has all the rights on his younger sister." I smiled at the twins.

"Also, we have something for both of you" Charu initiated and I nodded, signalling my helper to fetch the presents we had got for both of them.

"Brata Nakul, you have grown to become a sword fighter and a great medician" I started when he added, "I've also become a handsome man."

The Story Through My Eyes ~ SubhadraWhere stories live. Discover now