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"how about a self introduction?" a black-haired boy suggests as soobin makes a right turn, gripping on the stirring wheel due to inexperience.

silence fell in the van as he laughs awkwardly. "i'm beomgyu, i'm nineteen !" the van lacking response, he added, "i love music !"

"choi yeonjun, twenty." a boy with a matching cardigan with the boy smiles. he had his hair dyed yellow, a little blond at the top, almost like a highlighter, as soobin tries to hide his giggle at the thought.

"taehyun. age is not a limit, i'm not going to live past eighteen anyways." the brunette finally took off his headphones. "for all you know, i could die anytime." his tone was soft, casual ; as if just asking about the weather.

"...well, i'm soobin, nineteen. i take photos of skies, the main reason why i'm here." he gestures to the camera dangling off his neck as he turns the stirring wheel with the other hand.

"what about you?" beomgyu beams, turning to the boy a seat behind him. he had dark brown hair that almost covered his eyes, as he finally looks away from the window. "me?" the corner of his lips twitch into a smile, ironically cold. "there's nothing to know about me."

the relaxed atmosphere that was just building up shattered immediately, as the room quiets down. 


the van came to a halt, jolting the tired boys awake.

"i'll just take a few pictures." soobin slammed the door shut with a thump as he steps outside, inhaling the fresh evening air.

the colour of the sky was azure, a deep azure colour. the shade of red loomed over it, swirling into a lilac piece of art.

"what's with your obsession with skies?" a voice rang behind him, sounding so empty along the deserted road. he turns around to find a brown-haired boy behind him, tilting his head to look at the violet-splashed sky.

"you should stay inside, taehyun." soobin smiles, nodding to acknowledge his appearance.

"just because i'm sick doesn't mean i can't enjoy the good things in life," taehyun huffs, "you didn't answer my question yet."

"it's so pretty, isn't it? like a natural artwork." the taller boy let out a uncontrollable grin as he admires the sky through his camera. "with a click, everything in this world — emotions, events or time — are all captured in this camera."

"i really don't understand artists," taehyun chuckles. "i'd rather watch. feeling the moment with your body, enjoy the occasion as time slips through your fingertips."

"y'all are so emo." someone sighs from the car, making the pair jump in shock. beomgyu plops his chin on his hands, resting at the edge of the car window.

"you almost gave me a heart attack !" taehyun piques. "literally."

"go back to sleep," soobin closes his eyes and sighs. "we're leaving soon."


"when can we eat?" beomgyu whines as yeonjun turns around, pausing his conversation with taehyun. 

"we're heading for a restaurant," soobin fixes his gaze on the road. "we'll be there in two hours."

"two hours?" the boy exclaims, slumping into his seat. "we bought ramen, remember? we just need hot water." yeonjun attempts to comfort his best friend. 

"or you can just eat it, uncooked." taehyun suggests, making the pair turn around to stare at him in shock. 

" it? please don't tell me you've been doing that." the yellow-haired boy's eyes widen. 

"that's just not the way." hueningkai finally spoke up as he brushed his brown bangs away from hanging over his eyes. 

"it's good, trust me. you need to be adventurous with food," taehyun rolls his eyes at their reaction.


the skies sank into a shade of navy blue as the group stepped out from the restaurant. "i'm tired," soobin yawns. "can someone drive for me?"

wordlessly, hueningkai stood up and strolled to the front, extending his hand towards the black-haired boy. "give me the keys, i'll do it."

gratefully, soobin dropped the keys into his hands and opened the door at the back of the passenger cabin, revealing a small bedroom. "goodnight," he closes the door swiftly, leaving a small "don't crash the car."


into midnight, the skies were dark, so dark that it was hard to get a shade of blue out of it. taehyun plopped himself onto the passenger seat beside the taller boy driving, turning around to check on the sleeping pair of best friend, leaning against each other. 

"aren't you tired?" he looks hueningkai. "no."

downing on the dull reply, he remains his intent gaze on the latter, searching for a speck of emotion in the boy's face. 

"you look like you have a story to tell." finally, taehyun gives up, receiving silence from the other boy. 

"you're not going to say anything?" he scoffs. "fine, i'll tell you mine first." under the sky filled with little sparkling crystals, the brown-haired boy finds himself launching into his story. 

"i have a congenital heart disease." the older boy laughs. "cliché, right? life is like drama. they all tell me to stay in the hospital so my condition wouldn't worsen, but i refused."

"i refused to stay in that sorrowful place. the air smells like medicine, and everyone is crying. what's the point?"

"i want to go out. explore the world, make my dreams a reality."

"live everyday as if it's your last," he chortles, in a way that he was telling the biggest joke ever. "i am living my last,"

a soft chuckle escaped from his left. "how i wish to exchanged lives with you, taehyun." hueningkai states dryly. "i've seen enough of this world."


yes i wrote this half asleep so !!

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