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"it's disgusting !" beomgyu pushes the brown-haired boy away from him, huffing.

"you just have to taste it ! i promise it's good," taehyun leans closer, not giving up.

"no ! it's weird,"

"how can someone hate ketchup?" soobin wonders aloud as he dips his fry in the red sauce.

"he hates everything related to tomatoes." yeonjun closes his eyes and sighs, attempting to ignore the stinging stares which people were giving them. "since young. just because he ate a spoiled one in sixth grade, can you believe that?"

"ningning !" a high-pitched voice popped out from seemingly nowhere, as the pair stopped their fight, turning around.

a waitress with red accessories all over her approaches them - or maybe, just hueningkai, who slowly looks up from his trance of thoughts, brown orbs displaying a hinge of unexpectancy.

the few seconds of silence held on forever, before the black-haired boy finally speaks up. "don't call me that."

"why not?" oblivious to the taller boy's unwillingness for a conversation, the girl blinks as she continues. "i'm in your class in hanlim high, remember? you're the one who dropped out without saying anything."

"i know." his brows furrow. "can you leave now, please?"

"i remember you, the whole school does !" the girl appeared to not hear his last sentence. "your father is a super big ceo ! i wouldn't be mistaken."

"shin minyoung." the dark-haired boy stands up. "i told you to stop, didn't i?"

"i'm sorry, miss." soobin tugs on hueningkai's sleeve, signalling him to sit down. "he needs some space now."

the girl lets out an inaudible "oh,", stunned by the boy's sudden outburst. turning around, she scurries back to her work.

taehyun shifts to sit by the ravenette, rubbing his back in a way to deliver comfort.

"i...i'm sorry," the tall boy stares at the gleaming wooden table of the restaurant, mind blank.

"it's not be okay," yeonjun chuckles at his own joke, picking up a snack and placing it gently on hueningkai's plate. "eat up,"


"uno !" soobin declares, beaming as the rest groaned in defeat.

"this is the third time in a row ! can you spare us?" yeonjun slams his thick deck of cards down in the pile, turning around to a giggling beomgyu. "and you ! why did you give me so many cards?"

eyes turning into crescents, hueningkai shuffles the deck and announces. "let's have another round,"

"really, kai? are you going to watch soobin kill us all?" taehyun accepts the cards that the taller boy offers to him, distributing them.

"he's not going to win this time." the youngest boy smiles triumphantly.

under the effulgent navy night sky, the boys find their hearts closer together.


sorry this is short :((

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