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it was funny how a road trip ended in the hospital, but there wasn't much to complain about. 

soobin showcased his polaroids that he had deeply treasured, while the pair of best friends told amusing stories on how they wanted to form a band in high school but got rejected multiple times. hueningkai always sat by the side, chiming in occasionally. taehyun laughed along to it, and it wasn't boring at all.

most of the time, however, they just enjoyed one another's presence in deep silence. 

the sky displayed a clear azure color that day, as white little clouds floated on it like marshmallows in a cup of piping hot chocolate. 

the boys sat in different corners of the room, the morning gust sweeping through the windows and lifting up the curtains. 


it wasn't like a hospital, it was like home - though, in some case, it was already home to taehyun due to the many long stays in the white room - but the being of friends made it cozy, comfortable and ten times better than the usual cold vibe. 

maybe, this is what family feel like.

his parents never made any appearances ; perhaps, the medical bills were pressuring them to death, making them work much, much more than usual. or maybe, they had already given up on him, he's not so sure either.

but why did all of this matter?

he found his home, his safe place, his cup of hot chocolate on a freezing day. 

and as long as he had them, nothing could possibly go wrong.


"never have i ever... dyed my hair." beomgyu grinned slyly, as yeonjun put down another finger in exasperation.

"i swear, you are all targeting me." he sighs, "never have i ever had a car license."

"why not?" soobin lowers a finger. "you're like the oldest here."

"god, have i not told you the story?" the yellow-haired boy laughs. "five exams, and i crashed into something every single time."

"a lamppost, once." beomgyu rolls his eyes. "he had to pay, a lot."

taehyun laughs, as he puts up five fingers. "i've done every single thing i can in my life !"

"of course you did," hueningkai chuckles. "never have i ever been older than seventeen."

"you what?" the rest of the boys snap their heads around at once. "come on, you're just using it as an advantage !" the shorter black-haired boy huffs.

"talk about underaged driving." soobin sighs. "i can't believe i let you without checking on your age."

"it was just once," the brunette rolls his eyes. "and i love adventures. it's fun."

"yeah, adventure in jail." taehyun sneers. "real fun times."


night creeps in faster than usual, and the sky dims itself into a deep blue. barely a cloud was in sight, and it felt empty.

much, much more emptier than usual.

like an important part was lost.

that's right.

that night, the brightest star fell, as promptly as it made an appearance.


guys don't actually drive when you're underage please 😭😭 anyways i'm still not over talk today teaser it's so cute?? 

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