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"i wouldn't call myself a photographer." soobin admits when asked. "i just like taking them, so it's more of a hobby."

"why skies, though?" yeonjun questions while drowning in his bowl of ramen. 

"it's pretty." beomgyu points out, looking at the pale blue upper atmosphere out of the restaurant window. 

"i know," the yellow-haired boy rolls his eyes, "but why skies? there's so much more of nature." 

"when i was in the ICU," taehyun starts off so sedately, causing the boys to turn around in shock. "what?"

"nothing...the topic changed too suddenly."  soobin dismisses, showing an apologetic smile.

"anyways, people couldn't visit me. it was really dull and boring, and all i could do was look out of the window all day."

"i watch the skies all day, from red to blue to black. it makes me feel better, so soothing." he stirs his bowl of soup, "it's like, magical."

neither had realized, the spoon in hueningkai's hand had been frozen for a couple of minutes now.


"look at that !" a couple exclaims behind them as they searched for the source that the girl was pointing at.

it's spring, they acknowledge. pink flower petals fell slowly from the malachite branches, fusing into a harmonious blend. 

snap, snap. soobin records this. 

"i've never seen sakura before." beomgyu smiles dreamily as he witnesses roseate fantasy, like pink rain. 


"so why did you come for this trip?" taehyun begins as the van drove past clusters and clusters of brightly-colored trees.

"it's school holiday, of course we would be going out !" beomgyu replies, lifting his hand up to high-five yeonjun, which the other boy rejects.

laughing dryly, the brown-haired boy proceeds. "plus, a road trip sounds fun."

"i wanted to get photos, but i met you guys at the petrol station," soobin chuckles at the amusing memory.


i really can't have one peaceful day, soobin sighs as he stops his car by the station as the tires let out a deafening voice, finally giving up.

"it's here !" he hears an enthusiastic voice ringing from the outside of his window, turning to the voice. 

"beomgyu ! i can't catch up with you, gosh !" he spots a yellow-haired boy running towards him, as someone knocked on the door of his van.

leaning closer, he finally got a glimpse of a black-haired boy, standing so, so close to his van to the point he could only see his fluffy raven hair. 

rolling down the window on the side, he questions. "can i help you?"

"you're late, we've been waiting for so long !" the talkative boy starts, words spilling out like a spoilt faucet. "i thought you were a scammer ! i the holiday road trip package looked so sketchy, didn't it?"

"wait, wait, wait." soobin hushes. "holiday package?"

"yeah. i transferred the money, didn't i? where are the others?"

"sorry to break it to you, but..." the taller boy frowns. "i think you got scammed. i'm just here to take a rest."

"scammed?" the boy's eyes widen. "yeonjun, oh my god ! my money for three weeks !"

the bright-haired boy's brows twisted into a knot. "really?"

"well..." he hated, hated seeing people in trouble."i can give you a lift, if you don't mind?"

"is this the holiday package?" a shorter boy yells from afar, a taller raven head trailing behind.

this is going to be an interesting road trip, soobin rubs his temples.


thoughts !!

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