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"mr huening? sir?" 

hueningkai blinks, the intense light of the camera lights almost blinding him.

"i'm sorry, what were you saying?" 

the interviewer smiles. "what was the inspiration behind your new game, escape? it is the biggest hit of year 2026."

"ah." the brown-haired boy smiles. "it's friends, i guess. friends that you'd treasure for a lifetime."

"i see." the lady smiles, shifting the microphone to the taller boy beside him. "how about you, mr choi?"

"we knew each other a few years back, actually." the black-haired boy answers. "he liked game design, and i like photography, so we figured we could make a game where we hunt for treasures everywhere around the world."

"really interesting concept, i see." the host agrees. "your main character, taehyun, was really popular. what perhaps made you create it?"

the two boys exchanged a glance. "this..."

"it was a good friend of ours." hueningkai shows a light smile. "he is...an amazing person, really."

"then where is he now? did you still contact him frequently?"

"...no." soobin replies. "he is in the best place he could be, now."

"the sky."


"you guys did great !" a brown-haired boy yelled the moment the pair stepped out from the studio. "mr huening, huh?"

"it sounded so cool, really." the taller boy with yellow hair smiled. "good job."

"thank you," soobin grins. "come on, let's go get dinner !"


and after storms, rainbows and showers, the sky always remained.

just like us.

[ END. ]


omg i was abit too sad to write the rest please bear with the short chapters !! hope you liked it doe <3

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