Chapter 3

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--Izuku's POV--

I landed onto the floor hurting my ankles a little bit, I looked up at my classroom and smiled "Midorya Get back up here!" I shook my head "Nah I'm good" I heard running towards the school door, police came out of the front door "Oh Shit" I said under my breath. I ran around to the side of the school and activated the same quirk to make me look different, I now had orange hair and blue eyes and I was a girl. I walked towards the back of the school when I was about to turn the corner I heard talking "look around the school again if you find him Bring him inside." I quickly ran into the forest that surrounded the school.

after a while of walking I finally made it back to where I was living "finally home" I opened up my laptop and looked at the time "4:30. I have a while till I go" I unlocked it and put an alarm on for 6:00. I sat there putting in an application for U.A, but I had to send it to my middle school either way. it was to help get them in quicker, and so they could do the exams. I sent my application to the school and closed down the window, I started to stretch when I got a call from my laptop. so I answered it "hello?" it didn't sound like anyone was there "Hello" I was so confused "Who is this?" I said "this is the principle" now I was even more confused "Im sorry sir but I have to go really soon so could you make this quick" I heard some other voices so Im guessing that he's in a teacher conference "principle Nezu from U.A wants to speak to you" he sounded a bit angry "when does he want to speak to me" "7" "alright just give him my number" and I hung up. 

I grabbed my vigilante outfit and put it of 'I'm going to need to hold onto my phone for this'  I grabbed my phone from my school bag and put it In my pocket. I beat a few people up and handed them in, it was now 7. I was in the middle of fighting someone, I kicked them in the back of the head and answered the call "Sorry Nezu for the delay" I said while tieing up the criminal "oh I'm very sorry then would you like to call me later" I finished tieing him to a pole in the street "No its alright I just finished" I grabbed a sticky note from my belt "alright then" i wrote on the note and signed it off with the name 'Fumei' "So what did you want to talk about?" I jumped from wall to wall to get onto a roof "Are you sure you can talk now you sound worn out" I was jumping from roof to roof "yeah I just finished running" I reached I building and sat down on the edge "I wanted to talk to you about your missing case" I sighed "what about it" "well your missing but you've been attending everything" "I ran away because my mother and her boyfriend were abusive." I decided to tell him the whole truth, apart from the vigilante part

"why didn't you tell the police" I was now laying on the roof "I did, but they didn't believe me. I even showed them my cuts, scars, bruises and burns. they still didn't believe me" there was silence now "well I can get you into full custody of a hero" I thought that would be a problem "I'm alright Nezu but I appreciate your offer" I heard a chair move but it wasn't close so I guessed it was someone else "Sorry if this is inappropriate, but is someone else in your office?" "Ahh yes. Mr. Aizawa/Eraserhead is in here sleeping" I let out a small laugh to the comment. I heard a Loud scream "Mr. Midorya Are you ok?" "yes I'm fine, but I should go see what happened." I ran towards the scream while still holding the phone "Mr. Midorya that isn't safe" "ill be fine" I continued running, when I got to the street I jumped down onto a trash can quietly. I saw a large man with his Member out trying to rape them "Sorry sir but I need to put you down for a second" I put the phone down "just be careful" I jumped down from the trash can and yelled "Hey get away from them" I now had my mask off so he didn't think I was the vigilante and call my name out "hey kid you wanna join~" I was mad that I had to wait for him to strike first "NO!"

"fine I guess ill have to force you" he was a muscular man ill give him that, but he looked like he didn't know how to fight. he ran over to me with his hand in a fist shape, he punched my arm "great now I can punch you back without getting arrested" I kicked the back off his knees causing him to fall forwards, he stood back up and put his member away "You son of a bitch!" he ran up to me trying to punch me again but I dodged and kicked his back, I quickly put my and into a fist and punched him in the back of his head making him feint.

I grabbed the capture tape from my belt and tied him up. I walked up the the girls "Are you guys ok?" they nodded and ran off I dragged the man that was unconscious on the floor and tied him up against a poll, I grabbed a sticky note and wrote what crimes he committed and signed it off with 'Izuku midorya'. I walked back to where my phone and mask was, I put my mask back on and fixed up my outfit. I grabbed the phone "Sorry about that Nezu"he didn't respond so I thought he had hung up, but he was still on the phone "Nezu?" "Sorry" "its alright. so back to what we were saying" "right" I climbed up the walls again and onto the roof "since your not missing I'm going to tell the police that I had found you and I was going to take care of you for a little" "so I won't have to live with you still?" I heard more noise in the background "No" I heard some people walking towards the alleyway I was over and it sounded like someone was being dragged "Sorry Nezu but I should go, ill probably go back to school tomorrow." I was being as quiet as I could "alright but can I ask one more thing?" "su-" I then saw what was happening, two men were dragging three dead people into the alleyway "Mr. Midorya?" "shh" I wasn't trying to be rude but I needed to get a good look at these guys. I used a quirk I had stumbled along a while ago, it was called 'photography' its pretty simple to guess "what's happening?" "I'm witnessing a murder" the phone went silent.

I used the quirk and got a clear shot of the two mens faces. "Mr. Midorya do not get involved!" "wasn't going too, I just need them to leave to I can go and call the cops" since I wasn't in the alleyway I didn't need to be super quiet but I did need to be quiet. the two men left "Nezu I need to call the police" he hung up before I did anything else. I got out of my vigilante outfit and teleported it home "911 what's your emergency" "I just witnessed a murder." I said straight forward "Alright where are you" "45 Freddy alleyway" "alright sir we'll be there soon." I felt horrible not doing anything but at least I can get the murderers without getting hurt.

soon enough the police came, they got the bodies and they took me back to the station to be questioned. I walked in and saw the guy that I had just caught at the front awake "YOU!" I stopped and turned my head he was now right above me, I was looking up to talk to him "your the one who got me here!" the police stopped "Yeah. how was your little nap" he was mad "what so now you're in here for vigilante actions?!" he laughed to him self. I pulled his ear making his head go down to my height "no. and it wasn't vigilante actions if you attacked first" I smiled and let go of his ear "Mr. Midorya" I looked over and saw someone "detective Tsukauchi" he held out his hand, I grabbed his hand and shook it "do you need something detective?" he nodded "yes. you see my quirk is called 'lie detector' (No real name for it) and I would like you to answer some questions about the murder and your fight with him" he said pointing to the guy next to me.

the detective took me into a room with the other guy "Im going to ask you questions and you need to answer truthfully." I nodded and he just looked away "Mr. Hakan" the guy next to me looked at him "What were you doing before you saw Mr. Midorya" he looked at me "Nothing" the detective mumbled something under his breath "Midorya can you answer now" "for me or him?" he looked at both of us then the paper "Both" I nodded "I was on the phone with principle Nezu from U.A" he mumbled under his breath again "I heard a scream so I ran towards it. I saw him in front of some girls" he nodded again "I saw the girls closing their eyes and I saw him with him member out" the detective nodded and mumbled something again "ok so my next question is. Who attacked first" the detective looked at the guy next to me "Him" then he looked at me "Him" he nodded and went back to writing

"ok. Mr. Midorya this question is for you" I looked at him and he continued "how did you beat him?" I looked down and remembered that I had to tell the truth "Once he punched me in my arm I kicked him in the back of the legs. he got back up once again and tried to punch me again so I kicked his back and hit the back of his head causing him to go unconscious" the detective started to write again "Hakan this is for you" the guy nodded "Why did you try and rape those girls" he was quiet "I wanted to be pleased and satisfied" then he wrote again "thank you Hakan you can be escorted out now" the other guy left with another cop.

"Mr. Midorya" I looked back at him "did you get any evidence from the crime scene?" I nodded. I opened up my shirt and used the printer to print the photos I took, it had the date and time on the bottom of them. I handed  them to him and sat back down "now for some questions" I nodded.

This is all! hope you guys enjoyed!

make sure to check out my other story! Abused Deku (Only if you want to read it)

I am now on my computer for when I'm at my mums and hopefully I will be able to write more

Have a Lovely Morning, day or Night!!

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