Chapter 5

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—Izuku's POV—

The guy made a hole in the wall when I threw him into the wall "W-What the F-FUCK?!" I looked over and saw one of his buddies "What?" I heard groaning and looked over toward the kid I threw "Aito" the kid looked at me "Next time don't hit me" he nodded and laid back down, I started to walk towards the door when I saw the teacher from the other class "Miss?" I stopped walking and I felt eyes on me "Can I please talk to you about the Villains from before?" I looked around the class room seeing if everyone was watching.

I looked over at the teacher and bowed "Of course miss" I walked outside of the class room and followed her. We got to her classroom with all of the kids crying and in a circle "Miss."she looked at me "What happened?" She looked at the kids "One of the kids..." I looked at the group of kids "I'm sorry for your loss" she started crying.

I closed the classroom door and walked over to the kids "Excuse me" The kids looked over at me "can you please tell me what the kid was like?" Most of the kids started to cry and curl up next to me "h-he..." I cut her off "take some deep breaths and tell me your name" she nodded. She took some deep breaths "my name is Mao, my quirk is animal. I can turn into any animal but it stays the same colour as my hair" I nodded 'this quirk can be helpful..." I thought to myself "Now can you tell me about the kid?" She didn't start crying but she looked really upset "H-He's my b-brother" I was shocked "He was my twin... he looked the same as me, and had the same quirk..." I was almost about to cry.

I started to feel heavy, I looked down and saw a lot of the kids on me "Miss" the teacher looked at me "Can you please get me a phone for a second" she stood up and grabbed her phone out of her bag and unlocked it. I decided to call the schools principal "Hello Sir" "Good morning how can I help you?" I looked at the teacher "Can you cancel class for..." I looked at the teacher and mouthed what class is this she mouthed back 2C "2C?" I heard shuffling "May I ask why?" I sighed "Your Aware of the villain attack that just happened correct?" "Correct" I waited a bit, I heard the speakers outside of the classroom "Class 2C is being cancelled for today" I looked at the teacher who was smiling "Thank you sir" I hung up the phone "Miss can I make one more call?" Without any hesitation she said 'yes'. The phone was ringing "Principle Nezu speaking how may I help you?" The teacher was definitely shocked "Hi Nezu" I heard a lot of chais moving "Sorry Nezu is this a bad time?" I started to hear whispers "Sorry Midoriya but I'm in a teacher conference" I wasn't surprised "Sorry Nezu I'll call you back later" "Wait a second" I was a bit confused "Is there something you need?" I heard a chair move "Yes someone would like to speak with you" I heard footsteps walking towards the phone "Izuku Midoriya" I knew that voice "Sorry Sir but I should go" "Nonsense Young-one" I was a bit mad still "Sorry All Might but I wish to not speak to you" I spat with venom in my voice "That is no way to speak to a pro-hero!" I rolled my eyes and I realised that I was still in the class room "I'll call Nezu later I need to go" I hung up the phone.

I gave the teacher her phone back "Thank you miss" I started to walk back to my classroom when I heard a scream outside of school grounds. I ran outside and saw that some of the police were still here "kid get back inside!" Instead of doing what I was told I ran into the forest running towards the screams "OI SHUT UP" I heard someone yell, I picked up my pace and saw a girl naked tied on a tree with toys around her, I saw a naked man with his member inside of her "OI!" he turned his head "What are you doing here kid!" He took out his member and turned to me "Did you come here to also have some fun~" I was mad but also disgusted "No. I came here to save her" he looked at her then back at me and laughed "Y-You think you can save HER?!" He was still laughing "Trying to be a hero isn't one of your strong suits" while he was laughing I contacted the first person on my phone and called them.

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