Chapter 10

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--Izuku's POV--

After we played Hide & Seek for awhile the lunch bell went "Alright guys after lunch we're going back to the classroom" they all walked away and went to the changing rooms. I went to the 1-A changing rooms and put my uniform back on. I decided to go see where Vlad was and why he wanted me to take care of his class, I went to the teachers lounge first "Excuse me." I opened the door "What?" I looked around the room "Do you know where I can find Vlad?" "He's with Nezu" I said thanks and started walking towards Nezu's office.

I was about to knock when I heard them talking "So you think Fumei is a student?" I heard movement around the room "yes I believe that he's a third year" I decided to listen more "any thoughts?" "Vlad, I think I might know who" "Who do you think?" "I don't believe that its a third year I think that its one of the first years" "Who do you thi-" I knocked on the door "Come in" I walked into the room

"Did you hear anything?" I nodded "Something about Fumei being a first year?" Nezu nodded "Do you have anyone in mind izuku?" I shook my head "Has anyone seen him work?" Everyone shook their head "And what about you" I turned my head to the vigilante "yes, I've seen him work. I joined him once" I knew what he said wasn't true "the guy is very fast" Nezu looked on his computer "We'll continue this later." they all nodded "What did you need?" I looked over at Vlad, he got out of his chair and walked outside of the room with me "so I'm guessing that this is why you've asked me to teach your class?" "Sort of, the reason is this and because I wanted to get away from the class for once." I was a bit confused

"I can teach them or help you teach them for awhile if you want" Vlad looked at me "No you have class" I rolled my eyes "Trust me I've already learnt all of it, but ill still do tests and all of that" he was reluctant but he decided to call Mr. Aizawa and check with him if it was alright. obviously Aizawa Sensei said yes, Vlad went back to the meeting and I went to the cafeteria.

"MidoBro!" I looked over and saw Kirishima calling my name, I walked over to him "Sit with us" I sat down next to Kirishima and Todoroki "Where were you anyway?" I looked at sero "I was with class 1-B" they all looked shocked "Why with those extras" I scoffed at him "Oi you damn Nerd!" I stared at him "Midorya" I looked at Todoroki who was a bit red.

"Todoroki?" he immediately looked away "Damn Half n Half" I looked at Kacchan "Why are you with 1-B anyway?" "Vlad is doing something and needed someone to teach the class and since I've already learnt this he asked me, and i'm going to go back to class some days but ill be with 1-B other days" "Thats so manly bro" I slightly laughed "I Am Here. To get all of class 1-A" I looked over and death stared him "Omg its All Might!" I could hear people whispering about him throughout the cafeteria "Midorya you coming" I stood up and kept staring at All Might.

(Omg I just found out that Deku/Midorya was actually 16 when he went to U.A! I thought he was 14 or something)

"Thats everyone" I looked behind me and saw the doors close "Whats going on?" Momo asked All Might "Eraserhead wants you guys to go to class early" I looked at All Might "Ill go to my class then" I started walking towards 1-B "He asked for everyone" I stoped walking and went to grab my phone out 'Shit its at the classroom' I walked back to the group and we all started walking together towards the class.

suddenly the villain alarms went off "Everyone stay close to me" the class started to hide behind All Might and in a small circle "Midorya" I walked over to the group and stood there "You guys are pretty stupid" we all fell trough the floor "SHIT" and it went black.

--Few hours later--

I opened my eyes a little bit while groaning "ugh.." I tilted my head up "Morning Izuku~" I looked around and saw the class hanging from the walls or in a chair "What do you want?!" I yelled at them but I realised that I was also hanging from the wall "You didn't come with us before so we got all of you" I looked at the TV in front of me "All for One.." shigiraki came over to me and put his hand on my neck with one finger not touching "Don't you dare say that name!"

I looked at him dead in the eye "Whatever" shigiraki let go of me "don't be hasty my boy" I looked at the chains and realised they where quirk resistant. I felt something hit me in the face and once again it went black.

--Another few hours later--

I felt cloth over my eyes, then I felt something pierce my skin "ARGG" it went into my writs "so your awake" he lifted the mask off and I looked at my wrist. he put a wire in my wrist but it just avoided by vain "I have one more arm to do" he walked over to my other arm and stood there. I looked at my feet and arms and realised I had no quirk resistant stuff on, but in the cell there where cameras "ARGGG" he put the other wire into my wrist.

I put my head down trying to process the pain "Now that's a good boy" I looked over at my wrist and he almost hit my vain 'Thats good at least' I put my head back down. I felt someone grab my jaw and pull it up "You don't look so well" he put my head so I faced him "Now be a good boy won't you" he leaned in and started kissing me.

at this point I wanted to head but him but it felt like all my strength was drained from my body "Its no fun if you don't fight back" he let my face go, but I looked back up at him "Fuck. off." he looked at me and smiled. then he just walked away 'When can I get a damn break from all of this' I looked at my feet and saw that nothing was holding them against the wall, no chain no nothing.

Sorry I would've done more but I went to bed at 4;30 in the morning then woke up at 7 and went back to bed at 10:30 then woke up at 3 and I'm still super tired. and im pretty sure that im going to school tomorrow soo I kinda need sleep, but ill start the next chapter once I get home from school (If I go) but if I don't go to school I post during the day.

Have a lovely Morning, Day, or Night!

and I hope you enjoyed!!

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