Chapter 12:

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I pulled a creamy colored sundress over my head and down onto my body. Glancing the mirror, I forced myself to smile.

The past few days I have been going over what I want to say to Riley, I needed control. I wasn't going to fall to my knees and beg for his friendship. Of course I wanted to be friends again, or more, but it wasn't fair to him. He deserved a new start, he deserved peace and happiness, not being bullied because of me.

And I would tell him that.

Or at least try.

I slid on my sandals and almost simultaneously the door bell rang. My heart bang to beat louder in my chest, I was going to walk, I didn't expect him to pick me up. I grabbed my bag and shuffled down the stairs and then to the door. When I opened the door, my eyes met Riley's instantly. They were different, almost in the way of he hadn't slept for days. But his clothes were the same, a white t-shirt and dark blue jean pants. He had on cowboy boots and that made me smile but I quickly hid it as I shut the door behind me and began walking to his car. I heard his voice behind me and mentally slapped myself for letting it speed up my heart.

"Long time no see."

He looked at me longingly for an answer,


The car ride was quiet, eerily quiet. Riley's behavior was odd. He was quiet and secluded, only talking when he needed to.

"You said Pizza Hut?"

I nodded as he turned the corner and passed the library where we had first met. The night's event played over in my head. Riley had saved my life that night; in more than one way. What did I truly owe him? Everything. Even if that excluded me.

Eventually we pulled into the Pizza Hut parking lot and found a parking spot by the door.

Riley ran around to my side of the car and opened the door for me. We walked into the restaurant side by side and were seated at a booth. A waitress we both knew well smiled as she picked up out menus,

"The usual?"

We both nodded and thanked her as she walked to the next table.

"So.. What's up?"

His voice was thin and I frowned,

"No, no 'what's up'. Where have you been?"

He averted his eye contact.


My eyes widened in shock,


Riley reached his hands out as if that was going lower my voice, but I managed for him,

"Why the hell were you in Minnesota, how did you get there?"

"Whoa whoa, slow down. You go first, why did you break down at the lake?"

I went to speak but stopped myself. What was I going to tell him? The truth?


I groaned inwardly,

"It was because of my dad. Okay? He was going to take me fishing the day before he left us. It was my fault he left and I've never forgiven myself. The lake reminded me of that. I broke down." I cleared my throat, avoiding the tears I knew would fall any second. I made it seem fine, that's how I wanted it.

Right then the waitress came with our drinks and I thanked her, only profusely to myself, "why were you in Minnesota?"

Riley opened his mouth as if to ask a question, but decided against it and answered mine.

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