Chapter 15:

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Closing my eyes I wished to fall back to sleep but cringed as the light in the window forced me awake.

I glanced out the window and saw two birds sitting on the branch and instantly I remembered the day before. A small smile appeared on my face and I let it grace my lips.

My fingers touched my lips, the same place where Riley's lips had.

He was going to drive me crazy, but I wanted him too. I was going to let my walls down because I knew he cared, more than anyone had in a long time. I wanted to meet his sister, his dad and mom (formally), and his aunts and uncles, I wanted to belong to a family.


Sitting up in my bed, I stretched my arms and yawned. I reached for my phone off my nightstand and frowned when nothing showed up on my screen.


What a perfect day to go to the library. Standing up, I stretched my legs and arms awkwardly. Deciding not to care about my appearance for the day, I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and slipped on some sandals before grabbing my bag and going downstairs.

Just as I was locking the door, a familiar car pulled up.

I smiled slightly as he got out of the car,

"Hey Dyl."

He nodded,

"Dani." Pausing, "where are you off to?"

I half smiled,

"The library. Like usual."

He laughed causally and slid past me to the front door,

"Well have fun. I've got homework to do."

I nodded briskly as I picked up pace on my way down the driveway.

Halfway to the library I heard a familiar engine pull up behind me, I spun with a smile on my face and my eyes instantly met those of Riley. He waved for me to get into the car and so I did.


Riley smiled,

"You're surprisingly happy today."

Tilting my head, I shrugged,

"I'm sure you could assume why."

Glancing over, I caught a smile sliding across Riley's face. He bit his lip gently and spoke,

"Where are we headed?"


He groaned loudly but turned into the direction of the library.

I laughed to myself as we pulled into the parking lot a couple minutes later.

"You should love this place."

Riley didn't look at me, but spoke in a voice that told me he already knew why.

"I know it."

I hopped out of the truck, my sandals slapping the ground before Riley could open the door for me.

"You snooze you lose Riles."

I smirked in his direction and he glared at me jokingly. Almost instantly I felt his hand slide into mine and my heart beat skipped, but I kept my words to myself, savoring the feeling of his hand in mine.

Before long I plopped down into my favorite chair in my favorite corner and pulled out a book. I glanced up after a few pages and caught Riley's eyes on mine.


"Nothing, you're just so beautiful."

I blushed profusely.

"Stop, I'm trying to read."

He smiled but looked away. Turning the next page in my book, I stopped. There was something in between the pages, it was bright red. Confused, I flipped to the next page. It was a slip of paper that said 'Dani'. I glanced up at Riley but he wasn't looking at me, he was too busy studying the bookshelf across the room.

I curiously turned to the next page but found nothing, I flipped through a couple more pages and stopped when a cut out of a bright red 'H' popped up between pages.

My heart pounded silently in my chest. I continued to search the book, almost immediately finding an 'O', cut out of the same paper.

Looking up at Riley, he still had no idea what was going on. I hurriedly flipped the remaining pages, finding a 'C' and another 'O' towards the end of the book.



I looked up again but this time Riley was staring back at me. With a smile of his face, he handed me over a piece of bright red paper cut into the shape of a question mark.

"Will you go to homecoming with me?"

His eyes were nervous and his voice shaky, I felt my cheeks heat up as a smile blossomed on my face,

"Of course. Of course I will!"

I set the book down on the chair and hugged him tightly. He exhaled shakily,

"Oh gosh, I was so nervous you'd say no."

"Why on earth would I- oh well.. I guess I am a bit confusing.."

He nodded but smiled nervously. I smiled back and slowly planted a kiss on his lips. They were soft and warm, just like I remembered and I smiled to myself as he kissed me back.

"How about some lunch, I know you're hungry!"

I nodded briskly, he knew me too well.

Before too long, we were sitting in our usual booth, talking about nothing specific.

The waiter came and set a pepperoni pizza down, but when I looked at the pizza, a laugh boiled in my chest. In pepperoni letters the pizza said HOCO.

I looked up at Riley and he was shaking his head,

"No no, this.. This was just in case, just in case you picked up a different book from your, your book stack, I, I, I just wanted to be, be prepared, just in case, oh gosh, this is, is so embarrassing, I, I'm sorry."

I shook my head laughing, reaching over I held his hand in mine,

"Riley, it's okay, it's funny. I love it."

He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and squeezed mine with his other.

The waiter was basically on the floor laughing, and I joined in, Riley as well.

We laughed for a long while but my tummy rumbling reminded me I was hungry and I pulled a slice of pizza off the pan.

This was kinda the best day ever.

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